Why you should not jump on the Gital Dodelson get bandwagon 4 - TopicsExpress


Why you should not jump on the Gital Dodelson get bandwagon 4 words: Shes full of shit I know absolutely nothing about this case! Their financials, their kids, their families, their get…. And this makes me like 99% of you. But I see a lot of jews who AUTOMATICALLY jump on whichever bandwagon is more antisemitic in media cases like these, either because they are not confident in their own judaism, or because they have had their own issues with rabbis in the past without thinking critically about the story or looking into the possibility that it is true at all! Leaving that aside, I also have no interest in being involved in this case, its not my style to jump on bandwagons. BUT I enjoy looking into these types of things and seeing who is misleading, its tough to get to the bottom, especially everyone is throwing documents this way and that way and letters from prominent blah blah blah. I cant even describe the whole story its so muddled. But here is what you need to know: Shes full of shit. And by she I mean her side. So regardless of whether she is right or wrong, get or no get, I strongly advise people not to become involved. Do you want to be left standing next to the person who is full of shit at the end? Even if they win by popular support? (if you answered YES to that question, I want to personally thank you for Obamacare!) And all you need to know is 2 things, which both sides agree on, and one of which you all know about: 1. She went to beis din to ACCUSE him of handling his child custody through the civil court rather than beis din (this is the beis din doc they are waving around, read the hebrew on her FB supprt page!!!) (link below) 2. She gave an interview to the NY Post about how she hasn’t received a get and she is chained These 2 facts are in contradiction. The entire reason for not being allowed to handle certain matters in civil court before beis din is because it says you feel that the civl way of handling things is more righteous than the torah way of handling things, and making a chillul hashem. By going to the NY Post, she has done BOTH of those things. To me, this says one thing: Shes full of shit, shes being manipulative (specifically by applying different standards to herself and others). Don’t jump on her bandwagon. Stay far away. My 2 cents
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:59:24 +0000

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