Why you should work at camp for summer 2015 The Toughest Job - TopicsExpress


Why you should work at camp for summer 2015 The Toughest Job you will ever Love 1. Your daily schedule looks a little something like this: Wake up to lovely day by Bill Withers, Eat French toast and maple syrup, sing cheesy pop songs you could never admit you liked back home, make friendship bracelets, race kids down water slides, eat candy, zip line across a lake,sing more songs, get a tan at the water front, eat more candy, have a camp fire. Beats wake up, work, sleep. 2. You meet some of the best friends youve ever had. Cliche hey, but its true. It doesnt matter what you do at home, where you come from or what you wear, all that matters is that right now you are all currently watching the kids do impressions of you in absolute hysterical tears. You spend everyday all day with people that were strangers just a few weeks before and laugh,cry and share with them like you have known them your whole life. You wear matching t shirts, make each other friendship bracelets and gossip over late night smores (and only then do you remember you are actually 23 and not 14) instead of sitting in your trackies watching Bridget Jones and stalking your ex on Facebook. 3.The worst day on camp will still beat your best day back home. 4. The biggest event of the summer is no longer your long weekend off work its COLOR WAR (noticed how I spelt that the American way..) The single most important event of your life. Well thats at least what it seems at the time. What team will you be in? Did you pack enough green and white clothes? Who will be captains? What will the theme be? What team will win? Theres no time too think, just run, run to the basket ball court, hula hoop to the pool, cycle to the zip line and shout like crazzzyyy. Holy moley Guacamole, Avocados are GREEN Oh and dont forget to involve the kids too 5. Your office is the great outdoors 6. Being on duty includes getting a great tan. Well if you are a lifeguard that is. Which you should be. Everyone wants to be one, so much so you even have honorary lifeguards that will come and help on their down time. You get the best tan, the best office and the best team. Inside jokes include tube me and compact jump and if you can deal with the hundreds of kids hurtling towards the pool on all camp swim you can deal with almost anything on the outside world. 7. You get paid to go to theme parks. Need I saw more? 8. Somehow it is acceptable to eat your weight in fried food. 10 pancakes for breakfast, 10 grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, 10 packets of Oreos, Mexician for dinner and then a late night dash to Applebees for a milkshake, fried mozzarella sticks and cheesecake. Im not exaggerating. 9. You will sing Call me Maybe, Lean on Me and anything One direction related 12,435 Times a day and LOVE IT. You will most probably have a choreographed dance routine you do in unision with 500 other kids as well. 10. Your work uniform will be tie dyed camp t shirt a snapback and a backpack. And you would have honestly never felt so stylish. 11. You come home with a lot of useless skills that will probably never be used again, but are so awesome. Making sculptures out of bread, French braiding, eating 20 Oreos at once, the ability to make a song out of a sentence, back flipping, impromptu game maker, child donkey. 12. Getting Messy takes on a whole new term..... Not even joking I could not walk through camp without kids throwing various messy substances at me, and it was hilarious! 13. Your perception of a real job no longer included an office and a big salary. If anyone tells you camp isnt a real job tell them to work 18 hours a day with only 3 days off a month sleeping in a tent with excitable teenagers. When you get home you will no longer crave money and recognition, working will now be something you want to enjoy. This is as real as your gonna get. 14. You get letters from home. Best.thing.ever. You will also never forget your camps address after you plead with everyone you know to get them to send you some Cadburys Chocolate and PG tips (even though you know camp will confiscate them as soon as they reach the camp mail box) 15. Days off are spent shopping in lids snapback store, nike and addidas and eating as much peanut butter related foods as you can. Because everyone has a peanut allergie in camp. 16. You get paid for it. Ok nothing to shout home about, but you get free food and accommodation too so really you only spend your salary on unnecessary novelties in Wal-Mart and late night treats in Applebees. Oh and sometimes you get to have a Walkie Talky too- The ultimate possesion of power. 17. No more Monday morning blues. Who even cares what day it is? Today you are just chilling with your campers having the time of your life. 18. The kids are pretty awesome too. Really, we hate to admit it, but its the best things about camp. You get hundreds of new admires within minutes of meeting them. They all want to borrow your clothes, take pictures with you, ask questions about your personal life, and take you back to live with them and their parents. You get the chance to watch them learn and grow everyday and genuinely miss the things they come out with once their gone. They become your little brothers and sisters for the summer and I can guarantee you you will cry like a new borne baby on the final day of camp saying bye to your summer siblings . They stalk your Facebook and like every status until you see them again 9 months later and then they question you about every photo they saw with a girl/guy next to you in. And then by some bizarre speed up in time, they become, or are becoming camp counselors themself, and you find yourself getting all proud and emotional. 19. You get a visa to travel for up to 4 weeks after camp. Vegas? San Fran? New York? You choose. 20. Camp is the only place in the world you become the best version of yourself You jump up and down, wearing the most ridiculous costumes, covered in paint with screaming kids pulling at each of your limbs all while your jaw hurts so much from smiling. You wear no make up, havent showered in days and have a sunburnt nose, yet you wouldnt want to be anywhere else in the world. You are surrounded by people from all round the world, yet have never felt so at home and your worries have dissolved into the cotton candy air of camp. Yes its a tough job, you will get approximately 6 hours of sleep a day, get told to take a break after bursting out crying when you are told it is your turn on night duty, clean up sick, be told something heartbreaking by one of your campers around a camp fire, and get a few scars along the way. But you would of never felt so alive, so appreciated, so loved, and this is why being a camp counsellor is the toughest job Ive ever loved. So what are you waiting for? Hop on the band wagon and apply to be a Camp Counsellor in the USA this summer! If this sounds appealing to you drop me a message and ill tell you exactly how to go about it. I can guarantee you will have the greatest summer of your life.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 10:25:42 +0000

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