Why you should worry about what is happening a world away between - TopicsExpress


Why you should worry about what is happening a world away between Russia and the Ukraine:This current situation is almost a carbon copy for the prelude to WWII. In the 3 years leading up to Hitlers invasion into Poland and subsequent declaration of war by England, Hitler showed his aggression by taking Sudetenland, the Saarland and all under the auspices of protecting German-speakers living there. Russia has done this to Georgia before to name but one. In lead up to WWII the world was dealing with the Great Depression that started in 1929 and was too busy with fixing its own economies to worry about what was happening a world away. Now the world is dealing with the on-going global slowdown which resulted from the 2008 financial crisis. Even if the US and UN allows Putin to take the Ukraine, Russia will not stop. This is why they have made a secret pack with China which was evidenced by their combined naval manoeuvres recently and now their collaborative actions in Ukraine. Hitler also put his treaties in order before commencing aggression, turning Mussolinis Italy into his ally and putting in place a non-aggression treaty with the same Russia. Careful! Be warned. History always repeats itself. And if you believe the theory that mankind kills off itself every now and then in order to contain its population, then we are due for another World War as we are now almost 7 billion people on the planet. Me thinks 2014 could be like 1914. Dont know what happened in 1914? Google it and be afraid.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 00:15:47 +0000

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