Why your Partner Ran away to Other?? (Part 2) The end of - TopicsExpress


Why your Partner Ran away to Other?? (Part 2) The end of relationship is stressful, and the mind of a heart-broken individual is already very fragile, its further badly hurt by the question - Why did he/she run away to other? Where did I go wrong? In part 1 of this article I answered the above question, and told you that it isnt entirely your fault for this situation, but the selfishness of your ex-partner and the 3rd person are responsible. I said there are 4 major reasons for this selfishness to develop - In first part I discussed the 1st reason - When your partner found someone who would listen to his/her complaints. now lets look at the next - 2. Found someone who didnt seem to have your weakness - Everyone has certain group of weakness and a group of strengths. With time in a relationship, partners take strengths for granted and only focus on the weakness. People with a ever changing mind, tend to over-thinking about these weakness and create a very dangerous image in their mind. The future seems completely dark and doomed. When they find someone who doesnt have these weakness, they suddenly feel secure and attracted, forgetting their own partner. 3. Re-defining Loyalty - Every relationship has a certain parameter for loyalty and amount of personal space given to each other. When your partner starts to have a lot of fun with a 3rd person, he/she will suddenly start re-define these boundaries. The boundaries will change over-night, putting a lot of stress on your adjustment levels. Beyond a point it will lead to a lot of anger and irritation in you, which the 3rd person will use as a weapon to poison your partners mind. 4. The dawn of a new Addiction - Every relationship goes into the stagnant phase, where each partner knows the other very well. The roles are very defined, and there isnt much scope for new. The presence of a 3rd person who provides a lot of perceived fun, creates a new addiction in the mind. This addiction pushes the mind away from boundaries of loyalty or memories of love spent before. written by - Dr.Hemant Mittal (MBBS,DPM) Psychiatrist, Counsellor, Motivational Speaker eksoch@gmail
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 07:45:45 +0000

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