Wicca 101:: About Witchcraft art by - TopicsExpress


Wicca 101:: About Witchcraft art by AmberSkyfire ____________________________________________ What is Wicca? by AmberSkyfire Contrary to popular belief, Wicca is not evil. Wiccans do not follow the devil. Wiccans do not even believe in the devil. Wicca is a nature oriented religion which centers around a single deity (known as the All) which encompasses all things in the universe and without. This All is divided into two equal halves much the same way as the universe is divided into two halves. There is light and dark, male and female, good and evil, etc. These are often evident in the two deities called the Lord and the Lady. Each represents a perfect and equal half and complement each other much like the yin and the yang. The Lord is a father figure. He represents animals, the soul, fathering, passion and the wild. He is symbolized by the color gold, air, fire, and by the Sun. The Lady or Goddess represents the earth mother, motherhood, nurturing, femininity, and that which we can touch. She is symbolized by water, earth and the moon. Wiccans believe in honoring their deities and in living in harmony with nature and the universe. Witches sometimes practice in groups of up to thirteen called covens. Covens are used to bring different people of a faith together so that they may learn from each others experiences. Witches can also work alone. They are called solitaries. Wiccans are generally considered witches because they practice the art of magick. Not al witches, however, are Wiccans. Wicca is a religion and witchcraft is simply the practice of the magickal arts. Because Wiccans worship nature, their holidays coincide with significant days of the year. All of the four seasons are celebrated as well as four other holidays which fall between each. All of the eight holidays are spaced at exactly the same number of days apart and do not always fall on the same day each year. Most of these holidays coincide with Christian holidays such as Christmas (Yule) and Easter (Ostara). These holidays are called the Sabbats or Sabbaths. Witches also may or may not celebrate what are called Esbats. Esbats are specific lunar dates that are of major importance. These are the new moons and the full moons. There are 13 full moons during the year, each representing one month. Thus, the pagan calendar has thirteen months and not twelve. Most today represent these lost days in the thirteenth month to leap year. These holidays are meant to celebrate the earth and her cycles of nature. Wiccans follow one basic fundamental rule: harm none. The Wiccan Rede or Law states: Abide the Wiccan law ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An it harm none, do what ye will. And ever mind the rule of three: what ye send out comes back to thee. Follow this with mind and heart, and merry meet and merry part. The main goal of Wicca is to harm none. Wiccans base their lives on self discipline and helping others. Most spells are done for healing, love, friendship and to help others. You will not find Wiccan spells for harming others or spells which are destructive in any way. Wicca is a recognized religion worldwide and is protected by the United States Constitution. Contrary to popular belief, Wicca is not an ancient religion. Some of the ideas and rituals follow what is believed to have been practiced by the early Nordic tribes, but the religion was founded in the early 1960s and was at the time considered a New Age Religion. Many unseasoned Wiccans will often refer to their following as The Olde Ways. This is often the result of misinformation from other witches either on the internet or in books who claim that they follow ancient traditions. Some will even claim that their beliefs were handed down from century to century and guarded against Christians and others who might seek to waylay witches and traditional witchcraft. Unfortunately, virtually no information has survived to this day and we must rely on skepticism to learn how ancient peoples worshiped. Witchcraft: What it is and What it isnt by AmberSkyfire Youve seen The Craft five times, you watch Charmed every week, you have a black cat that you have most recently renamed Salem or Kittywitch or something like that, and you dress all in black. You can cast any spell from your three spellbooks and a huge pentagram adorns your neck, your (very creepy looking) book of shadows, and numerous other items in your cache of school supplies. People look at you when you walk down the street, your friends think you are oh-so-cool and your craft name, Moonlight FairyWillow WolfWings, is posted at the top of your web forum in creepy red letters. You are a witch, right? Wrong. Witchcraft is not a fashion statement. It is nothing like what you see in the movies. It is not a fad. Hollywood has created so many false ideas about witchcraft to draw people in. Teenagers are especially susceptible to these ideas. In an attempt to be rebellious, teens will don the look and the catch-phrases of the neo-goth community. They are drawn in by the glamour of Hollywood and the promise of great power. Teenagers encompass a group in society called midriffs. (Anyone who has studied sociology or journalism knows what I am talking about.) Midriffs are at a point in life when they feel the need to grow up and look to others around them to learn how to do it. They will copy what they see: fashions, hairstyles, makeup, slang words and behavior in an attempt to fit in with their age group. This rebellion can have negative effects because it makes young people blind. They will follow from one fad to the next. Style is fleeting. Often, young people will turn to witchcraft for its glamour and seduction. Nothing is more alluring to the inexperienced than absolute power. The first thing that you should know about witchcraft is that it is, first and foremost, a religion. Magick is based entirely on religion and the belief in the unknown. I dont care who you are or what kind of powers you claim to have; unless you have faith in something, you cannot perform magick. Secondly, magick is not a fashion statement. True witches are easy to discern from the witch-wannabes. Witches do not wear all black. Witches do not wear huge pentagrams or black lipstick. Witches know that the power of magick is in its secrets. When you lay it threadbare before others it loses all its power and all you have left is a costumed wannabe with nothing to show but the ten pounds of crystal and pewter jewelry around their neck. True witches have learned to cast off their desires to be accepted by the in crowd. Real witches are at one with themselves and their surroundings and do not seek to fit in with any clique or to dress in a certain style. True witches look just like everyone else. You will not ever be able to tell a true witch in a crowd of people unless they want you to know that they are there (and I can assure you this will not be very often.) Witchcraft is not what you see on television. No such thing exists. Many movies, television programs, and books, even some pagan books, lure people in with fake ideas of witchcraft. You will not learn to levitate. Fire and lightning will not shoot from your fingertips. You will never be able to bring down the wrath of the gods or walk on water. These things are fiction - fairy tales. They do not happen. Witchcraft is not instantaneous. Magick takes time to happen and even longer to learn. magick is not something that you can learn in a week or a month or even a year. Witches never stop learning. There is too much to learn for anyone to ever be perfect or know everything. Most people come into the craft because it is a fad and quickly leave because it is too hard or it takes too long. Not anyone can be a witch. To practice and learn the craft, one must be patient, curious and honest with themselves. If you are interested in being a true witch, there are numerous talents that you will learn. Witchcraft requires a love of nature. If the sight of nature and beauty inspire you or strike awe in you then the craft might be right for you. You will learn how to heal others, speak to plants, animals, trees and spirits, travel on the astral plane, learn to understand yourself and others and divine your dreams and the future. You will learn to better yourself and open your eyes and your mind to new possibilities. Witchcraft is very difficult but if you are one of the few who have the talent, strength and patience for it, it can unlock hidden talents you never knew you had and free your imagination. Different Types of Witches AmberSkyfire Alexandrian - This tradition was begun in the 1960s by Alex Sanders. Alex Sanders lived in England. He used what are known to be slightly changed Gardnarian traditions and calls himself the King of Witches. Covens involve both men and women. British Traditional - This is, according to Silver RavenWolf a mix of Celtic and Gardnarian beliefs. Covens involve both men and women. One can study a course and receive a degree in British Traditional Witchcraft. Celtic Wicca - Celtic Wicca focuses mainly on Celtic and Druidic gods and goddesses (along with a few other Anglo-Saxon pantheon). The rituals are formed after Gardnerian traditions with a stronger emphasis on nature. Celtic Wicca also puts much emphasis on working with elementals and nature spirits such as fairies and gnomes. Gods and Goddesses are usually called The Ancient Ones. Caledonii - This was once know as the Hecatine Tradition. Traditional Scottish Witchcraft. Ceremonial Witchcraft - This tradition is very exacting in its ritual. All rituals are usually followed by the book, to the letter and with much ceremony. Little emphasis is put on nature. This tradition may incorporate some Egyptian magic. Quabbalistic magic is often used in ceremonial witchcraft. Dianic - Dianic can incorporate nearly any magical traditions, but emphasis is placed on the Goddess only with little or no mention of the God. Known as the feminist types of witchcraft. Druidic - Neo-Druids are polytheistic worshipers of Mother Earth. Very little is known today about ancient Druidism and there are many gaps in the writings that have been found. Modern Druids practice their religion in areas where nature has been preserved - usually wooded areas. Druidic ritual often employs sacrifices to the Mother Goddess. These sacrifices often include grain, sometimes meat. These ritual sacrifices are often accompanied by a verse not unlike the following: Earth Mother, giver of life we return to you a measure of the bounty you have provided may you be enriched and your wild things be preserved. Eclectic - An eclectic witch mixes many different traditions together to suit their tastes and will not follow any one particular tradition. Whatever seems to work best for them is what is used, regardless of which magical practice it comes from. This is one of the most popular types of witches found today. Gardnerian - Gardnerian witchcraft was begun in England and is Wiccan in nature. It was formed by Gerald Gardner in the 1950s. Gerald Gardner was the first to publicize witchcraft in an effort to preserve the old ways. Hereditary Witch - A hereditary witch is a witch who is born into a witch family and brought up learning about witchcraft. Many witches claim to be hereditary witches when in fact, they are not. You must be brought up in a family of witches to be a hereditary witch. Kitchen Witch - A kitchen witch is one who practices magic having to deal with the home and practical life. Kitchen witches use many spells involving cooking, herbs, and creating magic through crafts. A kitchen witch is very much like a hedge witch. Pictish - Pictish witchcraft is nature-based with little emphasis on religion, Gods, or Goddesses. It is much like Celtic witchcraft, only the traditions are Scottish. Pictish witches perform solitary and rarely, if ever work in groups or covens. Pow-Wow - Here is a term I rarely hear when referring to witchcraft. This tradition is based on old German magic. Today, it is considered a system of faith healing and can be applied to most any religion. Seax-Wicca - This tradition was begun in 1973 by Raymond Buckland. Buckland and works on Saxon principles of religion and magic. Shaman - It is arguable as to whether shamanism is or is not witchcraft. I include this here because shamanism is a form of Paganism. Shamanism puts no emphasis on religion or on pantheon. Shamans work completely with nature: rocks, trees, animals, rivers, etc. Shamans know the Earth and their bodies and minds well and train many long years to become adept at astral travel and healing. Solitary - Solitary witches can be practitioners of nearly any magical system. A solitary works alone and does not join a group or coven. Often, solitaries choose to mix different systems, much like an eclectic witch. Solitaries can also form their own religious beliefs as they are not bound by the rules of a coven. Strega - This type of witchcraft is said to have been started by a woman named Aradia in Italy in 1353. Aradia is known in some traditions as the Goddess of Witches. Teutonic - A Nordic tradition of witchcraft that includes beliefs and practices from many cultures including Swedish, Dutch, and Icelandic. Wicca - Probably the most popular form of witchcraft. Wicca is highly religious in nature and has a good balance between religion/ceremonial magic and nature. Wiccans believe in a God and Goddess who are equal in all things, although some may lean more toward the Dianic form of Wicca, worshipping only the Goddess or lowering the God to an assistant status. Wiccans commonly form covens and rarely work alone. The Pentacle by Amber Skyfire The pentacle is the most misused and misunderstood symbol of witchcraft. Usually seen as a five-pointed star surrounded by a circle, it has been mistaken for a symbol of evil, devil worship, and at times even the star of David. A star without the circle is called a pentagram. Before it was used by witches, the pentacle was a Christian symbol. It was used by the Catholic church to symbolize the five wounds of Christ. This star can be found in an around ancient churches dating up to the Gothic period of architecture. The five-pointed mark graced religious paintings of Christ, arches, doorways, and artifacts. Sir Gawain from Arthurian legends carried a shield with a large pentagram emblazoned on the front. This symbol has long been used for protection and as a symbol of faith. It can be found in the stem of a water lily when cut in half and also within the apple when cut sideways. Humans have five fingers, and it also represents the five extremities of the human body: head, hands and feet. Over the course of history, the pentacle was lost as a religious symbol as the cross took on more and more meaning. Today, it is misunderstood as a symbol of evil. Devil worship has taken the symbol of the pentagram and turned it upside down, symbolizing the defeat of Christ. It is often seen inverted with the face of a goat superimposed over it where the two upper points form the horns, the side points form the ears and the lower point forms the face. This symbol is called the baphomet and is used in Devil worship and by the Knights Templar as the denial of Christ. The Baphomet The Pentacle Suzanne Egbert States: The meaning of the pentacle as worn by Pagans is rooted in the beliefs of the Greek Pythagoreans, for whom the pentagram embodied perfect balance and wisdom; inserting the star in the circle adds the symbol of eternity and unity. Today, Wiccans and witches use the symbol of the pentacle as a religious symbol as well. The five points represent the five elements: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. Some Wiccans use the pentacle to represent the mother figure and the inverted pentacle to represent the father figure. Others are wary of how others view their religion and many witches have given up the use of the inverted pentacle. This symbol, like the Christians of old, is used by witches as a symbol of protection. It is worn on chains and rings to protect their wearer and is inscribed on or over windows and doorways to prevent evil or harm from entering the home or sacred space. The pentacle is a solid object and is also used to symbolize the earth on altars.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 21:55:49 +0000

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