Wicca and Witchcraft Definitions -Witchcraft refers to the - TopicsExpress


Wicca and Witchcraft Definitions -Witchcraft refers to the use of supernatural or magical powers. - It has been around for thousands of years. - It is mentioned in the Old Testament - Wicca is a fairly new religion. - Wicca is an Earth based religion founded on ancient beliefs and modern spiritual principles. - Comes from the root word Wic, which means to bend or to turn. - Followers of Wicca refer to themselves as Wiccans or witches. - Wiccans believe they can change or bend natural events using magic. Historical origins - The roots of magic and witchcraft believed to be from the Celts -They lived between 700BC and 100AD -The priests of the Celtic religion were known as Druids. - Salem Witch Trials- 1692 - Over 150 were arrested on suspicion of Witchcraft. 19 people were hanged, one man was crushed to death under heavy stones. - Gerald Gardner- founder of Wicca - He developed Wicca in the mid 20th century. - He combined occult practices, ancient paganism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, New Age Beliefs, and witchcraft to create Wicca. -Wicca is declared an official religion in thje United States in 1986. Popularity of Wicca -Harry Potter Phenomena - It is the fastest growing religion in America. - Actual numbers vary. Some say 3 to 5 million, others say only 250, 000 to 500,000. -Online classes at witchschool -Wiccans can connect on Facebook. -Colleges now offer courses of Witchcraft and Wicca. Who Wants to be a Wiccan? - Women Two-thirds of Wiccans are women. Woman are highly valued. They can become high priestesses and coven leaders. Woman also like the fact that Wiccans worship the Mother Goddess. - Teenagers Wicca is attractive to teenagers who feel like they have no power to control their lives. It is also attractive to those who want a powerful spiritual experience. Some join as a reaction to something they perceive as negative in their life. These include bad experiences at church, not being popular or accepted in school, wanting to freak out their parents, or desire to go against the status quo. - College Students College students have a new sense of freedom, which allows them to explore new religious beliefs and worldviews. College students are drawn to a sense of community that is felt among Wiccans on college campus. College students are also drawn to Wiccans because of their love and concern for the environment. -Other Reasons People like to have new answers to old questions. Wiccans want a practical religion that works. Wiccans value genuineness and practicing what you preach. Basic Beliefs - Wiccan Rede An ye harm, do as ye will. In other words, you can do whatever you want as long as you do not hurt anyone else. It sounds great, but it makes morality very subjective. - Rule of Three Whatever you do to others, whether good or bad, will come back to you threefold. This sounds a lot like the Hindu concept of karma. Magic - It involves casting spells to bring about a change in your world. - Aleister Crowley - Magic is the science of the control of the secret forces of nature. -Magic is seen as a law of nature that is not understood but modern science. - It is meant to make your life better and to help someone else in theirs. - magic is seen as a utilization of a skill. - It involves visualization, which is using the power of your mind to achieve your goals. White and black magic - White Magic Spells for healing, protection, fertility, or banish negative influences. -Black Magic People ise this magic when wishing to kill, steal, injure, cause misfortune or destruction, or for personal gain without regard to the harmful consequences to others. - Two Groups Group 1- They only practice white magic Group 2- They will practice both white and black magic The Bible and magic - Magic involves trusting in your own power. Faith involves trusting in the Lord. -Just because you want something does not mean that it is beneficial to you. - Isnt it the same as prayer? No, prayer is all about having a relationship with God. -Deuteronomy 18:9-13: Do not practice divination, witchcraft, or cast spells. God and Goddess - Wiccans believe in a God and a Goddess,who are equal in power. - Most choose to worship the Goddess. - They both possess a light(good) side and a dark(bad) side. -This is very similar to Greek and Roman gods. Esbats and Sabbats - Esbats- they perform rituals during full moons. Sabbats- 8 main holidays Coincide with old Celtic fire ceremonies, and important points on the solar calendar. The most important sabbat is Halloween. They believe that on Halloween the veil between the natural world and the spirit world is thin. On that day it is easier to communicate with the spirit world. Similarities to Hinduism - Wiccans believe in reincarnation. Summerland- a place of rest between incarnations. - They believe in monoism and pantheism. Thats why wiccans have a great love and respect for nature. - Relativistic view of the world Ex- Christian Wicca Similarities to new Age Movement - Wiccans engage in divination practices. Ex- astrology, tarot cards, numerology, I Ching, palm reading, crystal balls, ouija boards, and runes. - They also believe in visualization and astral projection. The whole image of witches riding on brooms originates from the idea of astral projection. What does this all mean for Christians? - As Christians we need to practice what we preach. - If we treat a Wiccan as an outcast, we are only feeding into their desire to remain where they are. - The best example we can give is a changed life. - If Wiccans are looking for a powerful spiritual experience, they need to see the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 00:45:05 +0000

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