Wicked Local North Attleboro October 16, 2014 by Matt - TopicsExpress


Wicked Local North Attleboro October 16, 2014 by Matt Mullin Guest Opinion: Cooperation needed to restore cod stock Cod, the fish that has fueled New England seaport economies for nearly four centuries, have all but disappeared from the Gulf of Maine, and recent stock surveys indicate that even with tightened catch limits, their numbers are not rebounding as hoped. Cod, the fish that has fueled New England seaport economies for nearly four centuries, have all but disappeared from the Gulf of Maine, and recent stock surveys indicate that even with tightened catch limits, their numbers are not rebounding as hoped. According to a recent peer-reviewed NOAA survey, cod stocks have dwindled to 3 percent of what is required to sustain a healthy population. Just as troubling, cod numbers are about a quarter of what they were just three years ago when declining stocks prompted a significant reduction in catch limits. The survey also found fewer young cod, which means that they aren’t reproducing — a fact that is especially concerning for the future of the species. Now, the New England Fishery Management Council has called for emergency steps, to be determined by NOAA and Northeast Regional Administrator John Bullard, to stem the losses and try to save the fishery. Bullard made it clear in pointed remarks to the council that years of poor decisions are not going to be turned around quickly, or without pain. There are a variety of reasons for the ongoing decline, not the least of which is a changing marine ecosystem driven by climate change. According to the region’s leading scientists, the Gulf of Maine is warming faster than 99 percent of the world’s waters and the rate of increase has accelerated dramatically during the past decade. Between 1982 and 2004, water temperatures in the Gulf of Maine were increasing at about 0.05 degrees per year. Since then, it’s been warming at about a half a degree a year — almost 10 times faster. This warming has pushed cod north in search of cooler waters. It appears to have affected growth rates, age structure, and possibly the ability to reproduce. And it has also resulted in changes to critical food source for cod, and those predators that feed on cod. Given these facts, it is all the more urgent that we take action now on several critical fronts if we want to give cod any type of chance at recovery. Unfortunately, yesterday the New England Fisheries Management Council — those charged with the stewardship of this iconic and important resource — failed to agree on how to deal with the crisis. It is now up to federal managers to make the hard choices. First, we must take a comprehensive look at cod catch limits — not just in the commercial fishery, but among recreational fishermen as well. While commercial fishermen have been hit extremely hard over the past several years with ongoing cuts to catch limits, further reductions across all fisheries in New England are, unfortunately, necessary so that we can support what little cod remain in the Gulf of Maine. Cuts alone aren’t enough, however. We need to improve the underlying science and our management of the fishery in areas across the board. A top priority needs to be higher levels of cost-effective monitoring and better catch accounting on all fishing boats to try and get a more accurate picture of what is being caught. Compounding the challenge is that there is poor data in the recreational sector. But some recreational fishermen have taken the lead in developing pilot programs to better track what is being caught on a timelier basis. These initiatives show tremendous promise and need to be expanded. We need more accurate data to ensure that fisheries models are performing as well as possible. The tracking of fish caught on boats in the New England commercial fishery is woefully inadequate. Less than one fifth of commercial trips are monitored, in large part due to the exorbitant cost of human observers. The time to move to more comprehensive and cost-effective electronic monitoring is now. Not only will it increase accountability, it will also provide more reliable data about what is being caught and where — information that is critical to truly understand what is happening in the cod fishery and will continue to improve the underlying science. We also need better strategies to help fishermen avoid catching cod. Luckily there are strong examples we can look to in other parts of the U.S. as well as one’s developed by UMass Dartmouth/SMAST that have helped New England’s scallop industry thrive. And we need better management of closed areas to allow for cod to surpass healthy population thresholds. Innovation in the gear fishermen are using, too, will help them avoid catching cod. Finally, we need to get creative for fishermen and fishing communities. There are healthy and plentiful fish stocks in our waters — they just aren’t cod. We need to continue marketing and buying underutilized but abundant fish stocks. There are major untapped markets in New England, from our university and prison systems, to major hospital systems and retailers, who are in a unique position to buy large quantities of healthy and abundant species that taste good and are readily available in local waters. Fishermen and fishing communities are suffering. We have the opportunity to open up new markets that can help fishermen weather this difficult period and make our economy stronger. Each of these initiatives requires resources and a strong commitment from fishermen, federal managers, environmental stakeholders and our elected officials to see them through. But the alternative is one none of us want to consider, one where cod have no chance at survival and a centerpiece of one of our most important industries is gone forever. Matt Mullin is the Northeast Regional Director for the U.S. Oceans Program at the Environmental Defense Fund.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 13:07:06 +0000

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