Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club to host GM100RSGB at Scotland’s - TopicsExpress


Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club to host GM100RSGB at Scotland’s most Southerly point The 100th anniversary call sign of the RSGB will be hosted by W.A.R.C. from 00:00 hrs local on Saturday 23nd till 23:59 hrs on Sunday 24th November 2013. It is the ambition of the club committee to operate two 400W HF stations nonstop for the 48 hours of the Notice of Variation. When enough operators come forward a VHF/ UHF station will be run also. The station will be one of the most ambitious and high profile ever put on by WARC as not only will it be one of the last activations in Scotland for this sought after contact and it will be getting toward the end of the year for the 100th anniversary call sign but it is also at a sought after Light House in a rare WAB square, the weekend also sees the CQ WW DX CW contest running. This is going to be a busy activation but will be superb fun from a radio and social perspective as well. What is in place? Ian GM3SEK is acting as station manager and is coordinating things with regard to the technical and operational matters for the stations. It is hoped Mr Boden MM0LGR will be the event sommelier after performing so admirably in this role at GB2LK 2013 and that his good friend Eric GM0FSZ will be in charge of mains power continuity and will ensure that no ills befall the electricity supply, especially to Fridge Freezers, Plasma TV’s etc. The Mull of Galloway Lighthouse (MOG) is booked from Friday 22nd to Monday 25th, well actually not the lighthouse tower as dealing with the NLB proved too difficult, even for a patient man like GM3SEK but at least a cottage( mull-of-galloway.co.uk/accommodation/self-catering/161-puffin-house-mull-of-galloway )that sleeps 6 is booked, paid for and the new owners The Mull of Galloway Trust have been very helpful in given permission for and access to the walled garden to erect antennae, masts & etc. The cottage will provide accommodation for catering, socialising, ablutions and operating space. For those coming to operate the stations especially, though perhaps not exclusively at night, the cottage will also provide a place to have some sleep between stints on air or logging and should be thought of as camping indoors, so sleeping bags will be in order, as will a mug, a spoon and a plate (there likely will only be crockery cutlery etc for six in the house), the club will provide a meal for all involved each evening as well as some microwave meals for those doing odd things in the wee small hours, but bring your own Ready Brek. After what happened at GB2LK anyone caught hiding the bed of any of our older members at this special event, especially Richard MM1BHO, will be severely encouraged. Radio kit will be an Elecraft K3, Icom IC756 Pro, 2x 400W+ amps, modes will be Telephony, Telegraphy and Data, 60 foot guyed mast to support Dipoles, 40 foot trailer mast with rotator and Hex-Beam, 2 ten metre verticals and the usual ancillaries such as headsets, computers etc. What is still needed? Mainly you you, you and you, yes you at the back looking out the window yes YOU! No matter your age, gender, experience, or skills you have something valuable to contribute to this effort; time, without some of your time this is not going to happen or if it does it will be much reduced in impact and success. Please contact Nick MM0WWH via mm0wwh@gmail NOW if you are available to participate. No matter what your skills and motivation you will be welcome. Even really good operators can work more stations in a pileup with a logger working the PC. If you can help during the hours of darkness and would like to stay over then please indicate that on your reply so we can organise accordingly. Some lightly techie things like longish lengths of terminated, tested good, low loss Coax (20-50m lengths), strong but light rope for guys (lines rather than “blokes”), someone with wireless networking skills (the sort that Neil MM0NEO probably has, eh big man?) there is wireless broadband on site but it’s a bit away from where we are operating so some form of access point range extender type thing might be useful and it would be good to network the logging PC’s, if you know if there is 3G network to be had on site and could provide a dongle or 3G router it will be good especially if you can make it all work. “Consumables” Ian somewhat unimaginatively says “like PVC tape” but you know the story stick a box of “Junk and Stuff” in the back of the car, if you don’t it will be needed and if you do it won’t but at least you’ll have moved some dust around in the shack. Some proper office type chairs, the 50p plastic ones are murder to operate from. Transport, there is a lot of stuff to be brought to and from site and some of it is long, 20 feet plus, heavy, and that’s only the food so if you can help with that because you have a big hi top white van, 4x4 and trailer, even a small hatchback, or vintage sports car then let’s be hearing from you and sharpish as there will be a lot of competition for the transport jobs and we don’t want Ellis GM0HPK beating you to it with his lovely black Shogun and huge trailer. When? Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday. I hear some saying, “Friday Monday? I thought it was a weekend do”, well it is but all that kit isn’t going to put itself up and down now is it? On the Friday during daylight the following needs to happen starting in the morning. Get all kit to site, erect 12m (this erection is getting smaller all the time it used to be 60 feet) Duraluminium tubular (aye OK scaffold pole) guyed mast and dipoles, erect 2 10m verticals, position and erect Viagra (the trailer mast for the uninitiated) build and install the Hex-Beam rotator etc. All this so far is outside work for the fit and or at least enthusiastic. To put up the 12m mast will need at least 5 people possibly six if you include Ian measuring stuff and issuing directions etc. Once all this outdoors palaver is done it’s indoors to set up the radios, IT etc and test, preferably before dark or about 16:00 at the end of November. After a stupendous slap up feed it will be good to warm up the equipment and start filling the logs so GM4RIV will likely take to the air until the witching hour when we start to sign as GM100RSGB. Then it’s 2 days of sleepless nights, pile ups, huge logs, and a marvellous feeling of self worth that you’ve been part of it and made all this happen. Not to forget the sense of camaraderie and companionship that will come from doing radio with some of the least undernourished and sober Amateurs there are, anywhere. Finally, time will have flown by and Monday morning will come. Time to take the whole shooting match apart and clear up, vacating the cottage by about 10AM and getting our good housekeeping deposit back. Following this the outside take down will occur in a rapid but safe way (no standing about with your back to tall metal things held up by rope), as on Friday in sunny, calm, surprisingly warm weather for the time of year. So the same number of us will be needed as were there on Friday but most likely for a shorter time as things always come apart quicker than they go together and we’ll likely have packed some of the kit the night before. However from a transport point of view the only thing which will be any less than on Friday will be the food and drink stocks. What’s left to do? Only book your time off, fiddle your flexi time account and send an Email in to me Nick MM0WWH at mm0wwh@gmail or phone 07764152650 saying what you would like to do and when you want to do it, if you will be staying overnight, on which evenings, any stuff you will contribute and how we can get back in touch. If you have any questions or suggestions Email [email protected] because I’m idle and he says he knows what’s going on. Kind Regards Nick MM0WWH Eating and Sleeping, Coordinator
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 08:49:57 +0000

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