Wildcats strap on pads in preparation for pre-season. Gene - TopicsExpress


Wildcats strap on pads in preparation for pre-season. Gene Duffy Calistoga Tribune Saturday night saw the 2013 rendition of the Calistoga Wildcats take to the Gridiron in a 4 way scrimmage with St. Helena, Winters and Woodland Christian at the Saints beautiful facility in St Helena. Run some plays, evaluate your players, experiment positions, and send all the Cats home injury free, would be the goal of head coach Paul Harrell. Offensively the Cats passing game already looks in mid-season form, QB Orion Harrell has worked hard on technique during the off season, attending quarterback camps, and criss crossing the states on several recruiting visits. The highly heralded running game is coming around; defenses won’t be able to key on any individual back as Calistoga is fortunate to have three (more than capable) backs that can “step up”, Dylan Alvarado, Uli Mejias, and Max Caldera. Defensivley, the Cats aren’t their yet, but when they gel, and they will, they will certainly hold their own. Defensive end Walker Hughes will anchor the “D” line; the linebacking crew is just “nasty” and will certainly inflict some pain on those runners and receivers who dare get near them. The kicking game will be a huge advantage for the Cats as Danny Alfaro, who last year broke his uncle Bennie’s field goal record with a 45 yarder, is capable of hitting longer ones. PAT’s, Touchbacks and field position over the course of the year should fall in the Wildcats favor. It was a successful scrimmage, they ran some plays, evaluated some talent, plugged in players here and their, and everyone made it home healthy. The Cats open up the pre-season Friday night in Cloverdale against the Eagles. Kickoff is at 7:30 at Cloverdale High School.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 15:01:28 +0000

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