Wilderness Mountain Ministry Report... Get ready for the second - TopicsExpress


Wilderness Mountain Ministry Report... Get ready for the second seal, Rev 6:3,4 the great red dragon. Israel need you help Thanks This will be the last news letter I send out to you unless you subscribe? Its not fair to me to share the info and revelation of the times wit you if you do not help us with Jacob, Israel sincerely. Jackie Shalom I had no ideal this took place on Pentecost the sign of betrayal to Israel and the whole world. Get ready for the final holocaust and the end of the exile under Moses the deliverer Romans 11:25,26 How far does Pope Francis go in prophesy? When you see the abomination that causes desolation to the next seal of the red dragon seven heads and ten horns Did you know that Pope Francis is thinking about retiring after he get the international peace keeping forces into Israel and the new Europe implemented by a mark then the beast that was will be restored by the Jesuit Army and that the red horse the second seal will stop the daily sacrifices bring about the black Pope and German and all of Europe will be back under his control. Matthew 24: And when you see the abomina...tion that maketh desolate there shall be1290 days of round up for those who work in the economic system and then we would have to considered the ones bless under the little horn that make war with the saints for them to make it from the 1290 days to he 1335 days the 45 days difference. Matthew 24:15 So when you see standing in the holy place ... How far does Pope Francis go in prophesy? And who is the next Pope the black Pope under the second seal of the red horse Rev 12 called the great red dragon the thunder that is about to go I have the next seal now. Rev 6,3,4 And Francis he must continue a short space. This pope is not the last Pope as he is the seven of the eight in Rev 17 king not the eight the black pope is hiding as Benedict made it possible for Popes to retire as a plan to cover for him the German Rott Wilier that confirmed a 7 year peace agreement in may 2011 with Obama and Netanyahu for a Palestinian State and Francis said weeks ago he may retire but it is a plan as they get ready to introduce the black pope number 8 as he changes from the first seal of peace to the next red dragon where Satan seat is in Rome the red dragon in Rev 12 the red horse who make war with the saints and they always help Pope Pius as the greatest Pope in history for the holocaust and since they cannot bring Pius to saint hood because of the Jews they will have to let him come in one day after after the abomination that maketh desolate under Pope Francis and then he shall remove the daily sacrifices and make it desolate read my report wildernessmountainministry.org/ about this last act on the temple mount and still there is no rapture taken place and we are just months away from the last 42 months please help us feed Jacob and get the end time harvest Bless you Shalom I think you answered your own question sir? I foretold of the betrayal after Passover to Pentecost to throw the gentiles and the Jews for the riding out of this persecution that is coming out of this act after the temple mount worship begins one day after. We are coming to the midst of the week by the day of Atonement which leave about 4 months to the great tribulations and folks after I counted it for Passover 2011 to the day of atonement is the midst of the week which the treaty started under Obama and Netanyahu before congress with the first German Pope in hundreds of years and Rev 6:1,2 is the same one the rider of the white horse of peace is the religious beasts that shall rule over the kings of the earth with a number and this fulfilled Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifices of animals to cease to put the blood of Goats and bulls back in the place of Jesus Christ they will do again. Did you know that this Pope now the Jesuit is the one who is to start the temple mount worship and those sacrifices will begin and one day later the bible tells you in Daniel there shall be 1290 days from the time the daily sacrifices begin which is revealed below what those days are and who for. We know that Daniel mention 2300 days which is around 6 years form Passover 2012 is when the Rabbis offered for the first time the blood of animals as a sign that the 2300 day vision did begin where Daniels prophesy sealed up the vision to the time of the end called the vision Daniel last week the 70th week of Daniel concerning how long would be the be fulfilling Rev 22:10 saying seal not the sayings of the prophesy of this book for the time is at hand. This is profound Revelations given here for the wise. When the German Pope came together with Germany Merkel they begin to unite again all of Europe knowing that they would have the Muslims and communist party under the backing of Russia,China and America as it was planned all by the Quartet players under the UN and NATO. This was the call to restore the beast that was by using Pope benedict to star this peace accord for seven years and 2018 is the end of the seventy years according to the bible since the blood moons began to show up when they became a nation. this had something to do with the 2300 days 6 years right after he confirmed the new laws to be past and fully in effect by no later then the day that the abomination that maketh desolate is set up beginning the 1290 days countdown of the last three and one half years and in the midst he shall cause the sacrifices to cease and for the over spreading of abomination He shall make Jerusalem Desolate referring to the coming destruction of the third temple as the man of sin goes into the temple and speak against the God of Gods with the greatest persecution of the saints and then shall be great tribulations a time of troubles when the word proclaim then thy people shall be delivered after the man child is birth and immediately Yeshua comes in a flame of fire suddenly to his temple to reign for a 1000 years after Putins term is up in may 2018. A coincident you think where he come to his end upon the mountains of Israel with his bands and Gog and Magog is the ones of the antichrist system that make up all of Europe and will make war for 42 months Rev chapter 13 and Rev chapter 17 the beast with seven heads and ten horns in Italy Rome. Rev 17 speaks of 7 kings since WW11 during the holocaust and one more Pope to come and he will have all the power over Europe making catholic religions the only recognized religion to be worshiped in the whole world and the little horn will enforce the mark of the beast which is the ten toes and the ten horns and 7 kings and I just heard on the new recently that Pope the Jesuit Pope may be stepping down for retirement as he told on himself what he and Pope benedict set up and had planned for the seven last years. Francis told the people that Ratzinger was the first to pass this law so he can step down when the temple mount worship is over and then the Roman catholic Church will change or enforce the new executive laws given to Obama called their plan are to be enforce as they change the times and laws by breaking there seven year peace accord confirmed on May 2011.Lets read it...Mark 13:14 When you see the abomination that causes ... “But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where he ought not to be (let .... is a Hebrew idiom, meaning the abomination that maketh desolate. And he shall make it desolate referring to the third temple at the end of the great tribulations. The church is headed for rocky road where two seas collide where Paul said I perceive there will be much damage of life except you abide in the ship as he crossed over to barbarian country and was shown little kindness but as Paul started a fire to keep warm from the ship wreck the barbarians said you may have escape the storm but that viper that just bit you will kill you and Paul shock it off and felt no harm and persuaded the barbarians people to receive Jesus Christ. Will you help us now with Jacobs trouble before they crash the economy an enforce the new laws? wildernessmountainministry.org/ Mark 13:14 When you see the abomination that causes ... “But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where he ought not to be (let .... is a Hebrew idiom, meaning the abomination that maketh desolate. Matthew 24:15 So when you see standing in the holy place ... “So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet .... If God opens a door of escape, we ought to make our escape, otherwise we do not ... Daniel 12:11 From the time that the daily sacrifice is ... And the abomination that maketh desolate set up. .... When you see the abomination that causes desolation standing where it does not belong--let the reader ..
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 02:07:48 +0000

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