Will Your Love Of Money Keep You From Entering The Kingdom of God? - TopicsExpress


Will Your Love Of Money Keep You From Entering The Kingdom of God? Lets see... Matthew 19:23-29, Then Jesus said to his disciples, I tell you the truth, it is very hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Ill say it again - it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!.. The disciples were astounded. Then who in the world can be saved? they asked. Jesus looked at them intently and said, Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.. Then Peter said to him, Weve given up everything to follow you. What will we get? Jesus replied, I assure you when the world is made new and the Son of Man sits upon his glorious throne, you who have been my followers will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.. And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life....... So, those who will inherit eternal life in Heaven, will be those who have been, and are presently, followers of Jesus Christ? Mmmm, thats interesting.... And why? Because I dont see to many at all, especially in the lifestyles of us living in the United States, who have given up much of anything to be a follower of Jesus Christ!!.... So, what I am challenging you with this morning - ARE YOU POSITIVE THAT JESUS CHRIST IS TOP PRIORITY IN YOUR LIFE, TODAY? Or, has riches, or family, or girlfriend or boyfriend, or college football team, or cell phone, gotten in the way of you following Jesus Christ? If you would take this question seriously, I truly think most of all the people living in the US, will see that they have chosen most of the idols that I mentioned earlier, over being a follower of Christ Jesus!!!!! If you arent willing to give up your worldly idols to allow Jesus to be your Lord, then from the mouth of Jesus, most will hear, Away from me, I dont know you!....... Please dont allow the ways and traditions of man, and your love for the things of this world, to be the reason that youve stopped following Jesus Christ, throughout your week!! Jesus must be Lord!! Will you allow Him to be?
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 10:15:04 +0000

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