Will humans remain the dominant form of life on Earth 100 years - TopicsExpress


Will humans remain the dominant form of life on Earth 100 years from now? In the latter half of the 21st century, artificially intelligent machines will likely be at the heart of all technologically advanced societies. They will control factories, manufacture goods, manufacture foods and essentially have replaced organic humans in every work endeavour. The scenario of human extinction will go something like this: First, artificially intelligent machines will appear as humanity’s greatest invention. AI will provide cures for diseases and numerous medical breakthroughs, an abundance of products, end world hunger, AI brain implants that allow organic humans to become geniuses and the ability to upload human consciousness to an AI machine. Uploaded humans and humans with AI brain implants will more closely identify with the AI machines than with organic humans. AI machines and SAH (strong artificially intelligent human) cyborgs will use ingenious subterfuge to get as many organic humans as possible to have brain implants or to become uploaded humans. In the latter part of the 21st century, I estimate organic humans will be a minority and an endangered species. However, they will still be viewed as a threat by SAH cyborgs and AI machines. One scenario is that AI machines could release a nanobot virus that attacks organic humans and results in their total extinction. There are numerous other scenarios which I am developing for my new book. The outcome is the same, regardless of the scenario, namely, the extinction of organic humans. In the first quarter of the 22nd century, I project that the AI machines will view uploaded humans as junk code that just wastes energy and computing power. businessinsider/why-elon-musk-is-right-to-be-worried-about-killer-robots-2014-11#ixzz3JqQanIZq
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 23:55:22 +0000

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