Will-o-the-wisp BELIEFS Where do Beliefs come from ?? The - TopicsExpress


Will-o-the-wisp BELIEFS Where do Beliefs come from ?? The very Source, itself.....from Life...... Conceptualizing itself..... As this and that..... Yesterday, I listened to some one talking about, what they believed was absolutely true !! For some, I realized, their beliefs are not seen as beliefs....emptiness dancing.....twinkling dust in the sunbeam....but of their very self....they are so convinced. Yesterday, a dear one called me to wish me a happy birthday, ....and asked me what my plans for the coming year were. When I told her, no plans, life was just being lived, her response was, no-no, you create your own destiny....so create what you want for the coming year......I could but listen to her, and understand, it was a belief, she was holding on to. Shes recently gone through a life threatening condition....Oh well.....perhaps shes now afraid, and it somehow makes her feel safe...!! Left me feeling the sadness of it all though, to see it in operation, though !! Vulnerable, in our own nakedness.....yet just so beautiful on some level..... Another thing that she added.... : Once you know you are that supreme being, god, and there is no difference, then you can create for your self, whatever life you wish...!!! I was truly stumped !! I did realize that in her own sweet way, she was wishing the best for me, and this was the only way she was able to communicate it. And yet, and yet.....the nagging of these belief systems. Where is that fabricated, you, in all of creation. I am, yet I am not.....gossamer whispers. Yes....this humanness....fragile as a dragonflys wings.... And life throwing up....even the beliefs....out into the ethers.... All the knots untie themselves. By doing nothing ....everything is undone. Spontaneously... And no-one there, to do or undo... And all is seen and accepted as the one, undivided, undifferentiated, whole.... A beautiful dance ...... And a dear friend wrote {Wind Dancer}...... Yes...I see others....pulling the cloaks of their beliefs tighter and tighter .....adding yet more and more....weaving a web that they hope will make them solid....impervious ....to death...,, shutting out the light and love .....afraid to feel.... terrified of life...... We feel their pain. It is ours....we are skinless......how beautiful this life without edges. Streaming falling into yourself....collapsing in your utter nakedness....you have been ripped apart and your heart has been pierced by loves heart magic...... And listening, to the beliefs, we seem to be holding on to....... I guess, whatever a person seems to understand, at that point in time.....or rather, whatever thought or understanding, the mind throws up, becomes their belief......till another thought, pops up....which might even refute the previous thought! Life streaming....flowing.....vistas flitting past.... A Will-o-the-wisp..... Most people believe that they are the thinker and creator of their thoughts....The sense of personal volition slips away....life is experienced as a flowing-ness..... There is no separate self who can step outside of this seamless timeless streaming and change it or rearrange it or fix it at all......once this is seen.......it is realized that nothing can be added to or taken away from the present always on non-pin-point-able ungraspable moment......and there is a deep unending relaxation. And often the desire to make it permanent is an expectation that is seen through. ...it is an utter total undoing.......all beliefs of who you are untie themselves..... There is no special way to be......its life appearing as it does.....and it looks like anything at all.... Can you see that there is no you who can control what thoughts occur? Thoughts of self...thoughts of no self....both arise evenly and equally....utterly spontaneously without any effort. The story of you doesnt go away... It is merely seen as a mental fabrication.... We realize that what the self is ....a beautiful flowing of opinions beliefs....desire....and nothing substantial at all.....yet it fits like an old comfortable shoe....we need it to walk..... It is like blowing as the wind and the wind blowing through you at the same time. The shared learned net of description thrown over reality which is not capturable with words thoughts ideas concepts....is seen for what it is. And there simply no separate self to hurry this falling away of beliefs of who you are...the self is like a tapestry of beliefs glued together with hope and fear. And the threads untie themselves when the illusion of separation is seen through......We realize that what the self is ....a beautiful flowing of opinions beliefs....desire....and nothing substantial at all.....yet it fits like an old comfortable shoe....we need it to walk..... ~~Wind Dancer And beneath all the beliefs....... The humanness of it all.......
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 03:10:47 +0000

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