Will she, won’t she? That’s always a guy’s biggest worry, - TopicsExpress


Will she, won’t she? That’s always a guy’s biggest worry, because so many things can go wrong when you want to become intimate with a new girlfriend... Especially if she gets the idea you’ve only got one thing on your mind! Which means the only sure way to her heart is to follow her lead. And to take things real slow. That might sound like a recipe for frustration, but actually it’s really worthwhile taking your time. Because a slow, confident, approach to intimacy lays the foundations for a much deeper relationship. So just have fun together and be affectionate. And don’t ask for what you want – or use blackmail: ‘if you loved me enough you’d...’ They’re both a serious turn-off. Instead use touch as your method of communication! If she’s a very new girlfriend, the best way to start’s by lightly touching her on one of the ‘public’ parts of her body. Anytime it feels appropriate. Try touching her forearm to draw her attention to something. Or the small of her back as you guide her through a door. You both know she doesn’t need guiding, and you wouldn’t do it for anyone else, but it’s one of those things that forms part of the language of love! Touch her twice, so she knows it’s deliberate. And then wait for her to touch you back in some way. If she doesn’t, it’s not the end. Just back off for a while and try again later. But if she does, then she’s giving you permission to go on. Gently touch her hand next, because it helps develop trust between you. After that you can start caressing her anywhere she wants. But go slowly. Each time you try something new, wait and see how she responds before you get more intimate. And absolutely no groping! After that – or if she’s already a close girlfriend – then it’s all down to the way you kiss! Confident but gentle kisses all over her face and neck are the way to her heart. And keep an eye on the way she kisses you back. We’re not talking deep passion here. Watch for delicate little kisses to every bit of your skin she can get at. They’re the signal that her mood’s becoming amorous. As is the way she runs her eyes over your body. The real give-away’s when she starts checking out your rear! Everyone thinks it’s only men who look at curves. But actually that’s not true. It’s just that women are more subtle about it. So glance backwards as you go to get something. If you catch her eyes slipping towards your bottom, then you know which way the wind’s blowing! By now her eyes should be looking glittery and sparkly, her heart beating faster and her cheekbones more pronounced than normal. There’ll be other signs too, especially as your relationship grows. Because as couples get to know one another, they develop their own little ways to let each other know that tonight’s the night. So relax, be confident and take your time. Her lips will tell you when she’s ready... All the best admin, HeNrY
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 22:20:18 +0000

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