Will some one Please tell me why it is so important that every - TopicsExpress


Will some one Please tell me why it is so important that every news channel, from public television to cable news shows, want to begin telling us who to vote for in the year 2016. Most of the American populace is concerned with issues that are here, today, right now, not who is going to run for President in three years. Many of us are tired of hearing about Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz or any of the political zealots that saturate the political news stories offered it seems all day, everyday. The majority of the American people need to hear about the progress of new jobs being created for the massively unemployed and underemployed. While the conversations that are being held in regard to the healthcare web site , just fix it stop talking about it, then push as much information that is available out to the masses, about the types of insurance on the tables of the exchanges for those who need access to good health insurance that covers pre-existing conditions. We as the people of this nation should not allow ourselves to be led as sheep to slaughter, by the overtly pushy leaders of political special interest groups, most of us as Americans believe in fair play, equal justice and the opportunity for every man or woman to stand for what they believe in, as long as that belief does not infringe on the rights of others. Unfortunately, in our society there are conservative groups as well as others, who do try to infringe upon our right to freedom by, controlling the political agenda and the politicians in the U.S Congress and the U.S. Senate with the dissemination of large amounts of money through re-election campaigns and the abundant voices large numbers of Americans who, feel that they are obligated to infringe their slanted views on all of America. Politicians are the most vulnerable to these fringe groups, because of their need for stable and consistent funding to support their re-election campaigns.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 18:58:05 +0000

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