Will the Mayan Doomsday Sunspot be Created on January 4, 2014? - TopicsExpress


Will the Mayan Doomsday Sunspot be Created on January 4, 2014? In my research I found that the Egyptians and Maya knew a theory that is not known by astronomers today. It concerns the sunspot cycle… With it you can calculate super solar storms like the one from 1859. But there is more. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead is an astronomical code: a retrograde loop from Venus. If it returns… the end is near… The last one happened in 9,792 BC. That year 50 large species found their demise in a giant cataclysm… While Venus made its loop in 9,792 BC, it made a Line Up: Jupiter – Venus – Pluto. On December 21, 2013 a retrograde loop with Venus will start… A few weeks later we see an extreme long Line Up with Venus: January 19 – March 21, 2014: Triple line Up Jupiter - Venus –Pluto But first I have to explain how a storm like the one from 1859 can devastate our civilization… Carrington Proton Event - Solar Superstorm. 1 September1859: From August 28, 1859, until September 2, numerous sunspots and solar flares were observed on the sun. Just before noon on September 1, the British astronomer Richard Carrington observed the largest flare, which caused a massive coronal mass ejection (CME) to travel directly toward Earth, taking 17 hours. This is remarkable because such a journey normally takes three to four days. This second CME moved so quickly because the first one had cleared the way of the ambient solar wind plasma. A solar Super Storm of the size and duration of the ‘Carrington Event’ of 1859 will down the world’s power grid infrastructure for years... Think about that for a minute… No food... water...gasoline...radio...internet... In short: almost nothing will be left... Hundreds of millions in Europe and the US would surely die. But this is not all... All nuclear reactors will melt down... because the cooling of the reactors fails.... And worse... The fuel assemblies in the spent fuel pool will melt... Catch fire, and radioactive fission products will be released into the atmosphere... Because there is at least 10 times more spent fuel then in the reactors... The world will be confronted with the equivalent of thousands nuclear reactors melting down..! I was able to calculate the superstorm of 1859 with the Mayan theory… See my posts on: https://facebook/pages/Solar-Superstorms-and-Planetary-Alignments/555988174421407 Remark: The most important Line Ups to let the sunspot grow were these ones… Line ups from 8 till 14 days… August 17 - 31, 1859: Triple Line Up Saturn – Mars – Pallas August 19 - 29, 1859: Triple Line Up Saturn – Mars – Venus August 21 – 28, 1859: Triple Line Up Pallas – Venus – Saturn With the same theory I found a really mega line up with Triples… Way stronger than the ones from 1859… According to these calculations… a ‘Carrington Event’ can happen from the end of January 2014… But a far more devastating Pole Shift could happen starting February 9… January 17 – February 19, 2014: Triple Line Up Jupiter – Earth – Pluto January 19 – March 21, 2014: Triple line Up Venus – Jupiter - Pluto January 22- February 4, 2014: Triple Line Up Venus – Earth – Jupiter January 26 – February 14, 2014: Triple Line Up Neptune – Mercury – Pallas January 26 - February 9, 2014: Triple Line Up Pluto – Venus -Earth February 3 - 9, 2014: Triple Line Up Neptune – Mercury - Earth Sunspot from January 4, 2014 December 28 - 29, 2013: Opposition Mercury – Earth across the Sun December 30, 2013– January 3, 2014: Opposition Pluto – Earth across the Sun December 30, 2013: Conjunction Mercury – Pluto across the Sun December 30, 2013 – January 1, 2014: Triple line Up Mercury – Earth - Pluto December 31 – January 1, 2013: Opposition Mercury – Jupiter across the Sun January 1 – 2, 2014: Triple Line Up Mercury – Pluto - Venus January 1 – 20, 2014: Triple Line Up Pallas – Venus – Neptune January 1 – 8, 2014: Triple Line Up Pallas – Venus – Juno January 2 - 4, 2014: Triple line Up Jupiter – Mercury - Earth January 3 - 5, 2014: Triple line Up Jupiter – Mercury – Venus January 4 – 6, 2014: Opposition Pluto – Venus across the Sun January 4 – 7, 2014: Conjunction Jupiter – Earth and the Sun Creation code sunspot January 4, 2014 Jupiter Mercury Pluto Venus Earth Pallas Neptune Juno You can find the complete explanation from the formation of sunspots and how they grow in the above link. The following Line Ups could react with the sunspot: January 7 - 8, 2014: Triple line Up Venus- Mercury - Earth January 7 - 10, 2014: Triple line Up Juno – Earth – Neptune January 10 -11, 2014: Conjunction Earth – Venus and the Sun January 11, 2014: Opposition Mercury – Pallas across the Sun January 15, 2014: Conjunction Mercury – Neptune and the Sun January 17 – February 19, 2014: Triple Line Up Jupiter – Earth – Pluto January 19 – March 21, 2014: Triple line Up Venus – Jupiter - Pluto January 20, 2014: Conjunction Mercury - Juno and the Sun January 22 - 28, 2014: Triple Line Up Pallas – Earth – Juno January 22- February 4, 2014: Triple Line Up Venus – Earth – Jupiter January 23, 2014: Triple Line Up Venus – Mercury – Pallas January 25 - 26, 2014: Triple Line Up Neptune – Mercury – Venus January 26 – February 14, 2014: Triple Line Up Neptune – Mercury – Pallas January 26 - February 9, 2014: Triple Line Up Pluto – Venus -Earth February 1 – 2 , 2014: Triple Line Up Juno – Mercury – Venus February 2 – 3, 2014: Conjunction Venus – Pallas and the Sun February 3 - 9, 2014: Triple Line Up Neptune – Mercury - Earth February 6 - 8 , 2014: Opposition Venus – Neptune across the Sun February 7 , 2014: Opposition Mercury - Pluto across the Sun February 8 - 9, 2014: Conjunction Mercury – Jupiter and the Sun February 12 - 23 , 2014: Triple line Up Neptune – Earth - Pallas February 15, 2014: Conjunction Mercury – Earth and the Sun February 16, 2014: Conjunction Mercury – Pallas and the Sun February 17 , 2014: Opposition Mercury – Neptune across the Sun February 20 - 22 , 2014: Triple Line Up Juno – Mercury - Venus February 20 – March 6, 2014: Opposition Neptune – Pallas February 21 – 24, 2014: Opposition Neptune – Earth across the Sun February 20 – 23, 2014: Conjunction Pallas – Earth and the Sun February 23, 2014: Conjunction Venus – Mercury and the Sun February 24, 2014: Opposition Mercury – Juno across the Sun This is the last warning for our civilization… Once you see the creation of the sunspot and its rapid growth in January , the end of everything is very near…
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 14:44:12 +0000

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