Will the upheaval in which the world finds itself ever come to an - TopicsExpress


Will the upheaval in which the world finds itself ever come to an end? The answer is Yes!, as youll see in these continuing excerpts from The Storm Before the Calm, in which youll discover the role you can play in the times just ahead.... What it’s all about—and what it’s not How to proceed without fear will become clearer to all of us when we realize that what is taking place now all over our planet is not what it seems. It has nothing to do at its basis with politics, so the upheavals in governance are misplaced and will do little or nothing to change things. It has nothing to do at its basis with economics, so the protests about economic disparities are misdirected and will do little or nothing to change things. It has nothing to do at its basis with military might, so the use of military power to quell dissent or resolve an issue will do little or nothing to change things. It may look as if it has to do with all of those things, and it has to do with none of those things. Yet if we do not know what it does have to do with, and if we’re unwilling to look at what it might have to do with, we’re lost. If we don’t know what the problem is, how can we get the problem solved? The irony here is that we want to solve it! Not a single person I know wants this to go on forever. (It’s true that there are some folks out there who are actually welcoming these events—joyously proclaiming that these occurrences herald the coming of Armageddon, the last battle between good and evil before the Day of Judgment, when they imagine that only they will be “saved” — but most human beings are yearning to see better times, not the end times.) Indeed, what I observe everywhere I go is that the human race is losing patience with itself. We don’t want the kind of world we’ve created. Like a dissatisfied artist standing back from the canvas, we’ve decided that we’re not pleased with the picture we’ve painted. We’ve also become very clear (finally) that we can’t paint a better picture by using the same brush strokes in the same places with the same colors we used before. Something’s got to change. It’s time to tear up the canvas and start over. It is this awareness that is producing the Overhaul of Humanity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check out the website that has been specially created to allow the conversation that has been started here to continue. Go to TheGlobalConversation and see what you think.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 14:00:01 +0000

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