Will would have turned 11 years old today. This is the second - TopicsExpress


Will would have turned 11 years old today. This is the second birthday Will has missed here with us. The second birthday filled with so much anguish. I cant believe this is our life. I still cant believe this is real. Its unfathomable to realize how much time has passed. It feels like this has to be a temporary thing and Will will be back. Thats how a grieving brain works I guess. Its so hard to accept. There are days when Im not sure how we have managed to make it this far. I do know that we cant just simply exist and as hard as this life is for us, we have to allow ourselves to continue living. We have never given up on life although the bar has been lowered on quality thats for sure and we dont expect any of it to be the same as before losing Will. We will do our best, and we will grieve for Will forever. We dont delude ourselves into thinking grief ends. I can hardly remember what it was like before. That time when we were so carefree, when sadness wasnt a daily thing, a time when I didnt cry every day and a time when I didnt have big heavy signs regularly. A time when life was simple and easy. We miss Will so very much. Today at the ski hill we had a birthday cake for Will. There was also a card with Wills picture and a little write up about who Will was so that the new kids on the ski team could get a little glimpse into the life of a boy whose name is mentioned so often. Thank you Marnie, Paul and McCoy, for doing this for us, it means the world. At home we had a birthday cake without the birthday boy. Happy, should have been, 11th Birthday beautiful boy. 😢 We love Will to the end of the universe and back. xoxo
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 04:23:06 +0000

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