Will you two stop that? Their gazes rest upon him, with - TopicsExpress


Will you two stop that? Their gazes rest upon him, with expressions that clearly portrayed what they thought of such a suicide plot, as that was what it was, it was not a plan; plans were organized, and had a specific, planned - that would, ideally have a beneficial outcome for them, the death of the creature they currently sought out and were hunting. I mean it, you both look so much like your mother. If it werent such a dire situation, she might have even laughed. Those who knew they were siblings were often remarked that they looked so alike - otherwise, the relationships some thought they had were rather unusual -, and inferences to their similarity to their mother could quite amusing at the worst of times. Youre crazy. One voice chimed in just as the other grumbled, Youre going to get us killed. The two of them shared a long, weighed look, each susceptible to the thoughts of the other, almost as though they were speaking telepathically before returning their gaze to a man that had looked out for them for the past eight years; their arms folded over their chests. Were dead, so dead. Both of them uttered. If only they had known, followed their instincts; perhaps it would have gone differently.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:06:36 +0000

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