William And Me Dating Other girls claim that William not only - TopicsExpress


William And Me Dating Other girls claim that William not only date them but also bedded them. I have known William since I was young. He was extremely decent. From one character to the next, he still projected the same image. Decent and traditional. Meaning he doesnt like clubbing although he did at one point. That was his really painful turning point. He was rape by one of the girls. He told me he was rape by Beatrice. As a man, how can he prove his point. He already has a girlfriend whom he wanted to preserve which was me. Although I dated or hang around with the boys, the boys never dare to touch me. The boys also knew I was not a butch. My guess their parents must have warned them, I am actually extremely young. A little girl that they should look after. How did the rape happened? Simple. He was drunked and went back with two girls. Early morning, had hungover and mans natural morning call. She was straddling on him and he remembered being fully clothes. The hint were:- 1) He is Willem Alex of Netherland. 2) His mother was Beatrice. 3) The person who raped him was Beatrice. 4) He ended up needing to marry someone for a year. 5) Love Story 1970s movie, I had to watch an old show with William. The mother make out with the daughters boyfriend. I do not think there is an existing monarchy in Netherland. Hence it was all within British royals and Denmark. Assuming there is only one William whom is Princess Dianas son, did Diana actually rape her own son? I guessed William did not know that was his mother. Just as I did not know how my parents really looked like. All I know William was totally in love with me. How do I know it? His goofy expression, his smile, his incessant talk and smiling all the time, we hug all the time even in public places. She was pregnant and chased after William to be responsible for the baby. My guess, William naive with sense of responsibility married her. He did not know that the baby was not his. Diana was already pregnant. Diana who was also expedited to grow up but failed to stay in Gifted Education Program did badly in her O Level exam, patronages and was pregnant with dont know whose child. Her character as Diana was killed. She restarted her life elsewhere and ended up in the same college as her son. William was there only for a little while. William was at most apart from me for half a year. And later he drifted in and out of my life for 1.5 years (must be after the rape incident). I think he was also forced to marry his own mother which he eventually divorced within a year. Now his mother still coming back after her own son. She wants the title as well as his sons love. She must know that the child she was carrying was not William. The child was healthy, no sign of birth defect which often will occured if there was an incest. The ones dating Kate in college at that time was Charles. He was helping his son to recuperate from the trauma of being rape. William did told our children (wards), the reason he married me was to run away from his parents. I was thinking it was due to his parents divorce. But it was actually the rape incident. No wonder he was extremely cold and arrogant. Before marriage he was high strung. Easily angered. About dating other girls. Already he was traumatized by the rape incident. He must have become a woman hater. He married me without love but I killed the hatred with kindness & whatever Islamic teaching about what a good Muslim wife is like. My husband must be really angry about the title issue which he needed to play the game. My nanny commented. Very strange. William and me didnt seem to have any tiff at all except the ones that had been7 set up. Although in our marriage life William was made to look a stark different from me in our Asian form (he was not really good looking, huge gap in our education level, huge gap in our classiness too), I tried to ignore the fact. We were already married. A good Muslim wife will always walk one step behind his husband. Meaning, even if she ranks higher, she will still take into consideration of her husband thoughts and feelings. Even though I bought things for the home, he was always invited to express his opinion. Surprisingly we have the same taste. No quarreling, just no love. But William was excessively controlling. I guess he knows there are people still chasing after me. Before the rape was William busy hitting other girls? Yes as just like me, he was asked to date as many as possible. Did he bedded them? Not likely. I remembered him telling me he kept asking his dad for money to date me. Not the cost of just eating in restaurants, watching movies, buying me gifts, we took turn to pay. It was the bodyguards, local police, nannies that he had to pay. The local police will need to secure the place and ensure the place was safe for us to date. No members of the public will be allowed to enter the entire garden. Bodyguards and nanny will be the ones loitering around us from far. To bed me first time cost USD 5 billion. Each heir will cost him another USD 5 billion. Another heir USD 5 billion. Just marrying me he had to pay USD 15 billions. If I ended up marrying any other prince once this game is over, William already threaten me that I will be sued. I want to be fair. I want to get to know my real husband. I think he has been traumatized enough.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 05:49:47 +0000

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