William Branham -> The unveiling of God (64-0614M) 21 May the - TopicsExpress


William Branham -> The unveiling of God (64-0614M) 21 May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. Now, my subject this morning, I trust that God will reveal this. And each time, if you who take the tapes and listen, and I hope and trust that--that you have had a spiritual understanding of what that God has been in trying to get over to the church without saying it right out. See? Its a thing sometime... We have to say things in such a way, that it might thin down, it might bring some to go out, some to leave, and some to--to--to ponder over. But thats done purposely. It must be done that way. 23 Then it might be that some would say, You mean God would purposely do a thing like that? He certainly did. He does yet. He said one day, when He had thousands around Him; He said, Except you eat of the flesh of the Son of God, Son of man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you. What kind of a statement do you think that a medical doctor or a nurse, or any fine intellectual person would think of a statement like that, for a Man that had a ministry like He had? Why, he would say, Eat the flesh? Thats cannibal. To drink human blood, its a vampire. In other words, He wants us to be cannibals and vampires. And the whole audience walked away from Him. 26 And there was a ministerial association with Him, of seventy that had been chosen. And He turned to them, and He said, What will you think when you see the Son of man ascending up from where He came from? Now, He didnt explain that. He never explained how. Paul did that later on. He just said it. See? And then when this... He said, What will you say to these ministers when you see the Son of man ascending up from where He come from? No doubt them men said, Now, just a moment. Oh, we eat with Him. We fish with Him. We sleep with Him. We--we know where He was born. We seen the cradle that He--He was rocked in. And how does this Man... This is a hard saying. And the Bible said they didnt walk with Him any more; they left Him. 29 Then He had twelve left. He chose twelve, and one of them was a devil, He said. So He turned to them. And theres no one could explain what He had just said. How are they going to eat His flesh and drink His Blood? And how did He come down when He was borned right here on earth? See? They couldnt understand it. And then He turned to the apostles and He said, Do you want to go also? And thats when the Apostle Peter made that great statement, Lord, to whom would we go? (See?) For we are satisfied. We know assurely that You and You alone have the Word of Life at this hour. (See?) And were satisfied of that. See, they could not explain it. They... You cant explain faith. Its something that you believe, and its so solid that theres nothing else will take its place. Therefore, they knowed that the Word that was written for that age that they were living in, the Messiahic age, that He fit that place exactly. And what could they do to go back in them cold, formal churches that they come out of? Said, Where would we go to? (See?) We are fully persuaded that You have the Word of Life. See? And they--they couldnt explain it, but they believed it. See? 31 And Jesus said that to weed down His crowd (See?), till He could get the group together. And out of all those people, they, only eleven of them then understood actually Who He was. They knowed that He was God and God alone. Now, the--my subject this morning is to reveal or unveil that God. God has always, in every age, has hid behind a veil: all ages. But Hes been God all the time. See? But Hes kept Hisself hid from the world, and reveals Hisself to His elected, like the apostles at that day. Now, that was God speaking in Christ. Now, man has always; its been the nature of man; he sought to see physically that God. Hes always wanted to see It. Man has made creatures that look like Him, they think of a--of... The Indians worship the sun. And--and we find in Africa different forms of animals and so forth. And up at the totem poles in Alaska and--and different forms that they think this God is in. As Paul spoke there at Athens that time on Mars hill and told them that they were superstitious concerning this unknown God, that they knowed He was there but yet they didnt know Him.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 10:20:44 +0000

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