William Hague Gordon Brown Do you know the British people that - TopicsExpress


William Hague Gordon Brown Do you know the British people that Britain Khaddatha Zionism means and used to occupy the world and igniting wars Does he know the British people that the rulers of Britain serving Zionism does not serve their people and their homeland You serve the Zionist entity Use of the armies of people without the knowledge of the people that their armies to serve the Zionist occupation of the world and kill their children so European war in the sixteenth century and the seventeenth , eighteenth and nineteenth and twentieth and twenty-one Why to serve Zionism represented by the United Nations The destruction of the emergence of states to serve the states of Zionism Funds peoples and armies and peoples of the sons of the people go in for the last time Zionism Why is served by the whole world and they do not know and do not know the number of schemes , but fingers who ascend to the control of the decision To every citizen who lives on this planet, you are part of these peoples , whatever the language , color, religion , gender, race , sect or tribe You are a target for international Zionism and deceive the people on behalf of the international system and international law Your voice concerns us to liberate the world from the prison of the World Zionist Your voice harrowing saying do not reject the UN Zionism from its inception and become free and free peoples of the world a big prison named him draw a map of the borders of British colonialism to be a challenge from the walls move people between the diameters of the world without permission from the Jews The division of the Arab world the partition of India split the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia split split split Czechoslovakia divided again after fifty years to come will be even smaller part is easy to swallow mouths Zionism How was the destruction of Germany and the exploitation of its military and civil, human and financial service without iodine so that people know The goal of Nazism , socialism, and the Muslim Brotherhood , nationalism and capitalism and whether Germany was defeated in World War I and II actually Germany is not defeated nor weak and there is no love in people authoritarianism and ethnocentrism which plans Jews to be planted in the hearts of the German people But it was a trick of the program of the World Zionist , which is proceeding according to the program of Universal Freemasonry to reach the top and control the nations wealth and the establishment of the League of Nations and making peace undiminished between the two world wars to be the experience of the extent to which league the Zionist control of the decision in the world and is the resumption of the World War , paid by the Germans and the Russians the people of Europe and the peoples of the whole world for the Jews finding Conqueror and undefeated and have a decision to establish the United Nations, which represents the state of the Jews hidden as stated in the protocol sentenced Zion and using armies of people and the killing of civilians , including the burning of converts to Judaism from non-Jews and to blackmail Germany, divided and blackmail the world on behalf of the Jewish Holocaust and the development of image while oppressed people from the oppression of the Jews are the world https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/q71/1452094_1426238870927295_1191497211_n.jpg
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 21:12:26 +0000

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