William Rutos statement could easily politicise the Westgate Mall - TopicsExpress


William Rutos statement could easily politicise the Westgate Mall issue and create a crack on a country that has been so United for the first time since March even if it is temporary. We are not interested in his usual verbal diarrhea that divides the Nation every time he opens his mouth. With that kind of heated political talk, someone could easily have wished he stayed at the Hague till we finished this mess. Mr Kenyatta and opposition leaders already handled and managed the public mood to a United National voice. He should keep that tone for another date. It does not mean that others do not have hard questions to ask the government but they kept them atleast for now. Here is rutos statement ........ “Its really unfortunate that these terrorists attack was timed to coincide with my presence here at the Hague and the visit by His Excellency the president of Kenya to New York for the UN general Assembly. Meaning that both the president and myself would not have been in the country . It is also instructive to note that the president skipped a meeting last week on the 16th in Brussels that was meant to discuss the Somali crisis complete with the threats it poses to the security situation in Kenya in the horn of Africa and generally in the region,the president had to skip that because he was unable to attend because am required to continuously attend court here at the Hague. It is also important to note that because of the Somali problem that Kenya is engaged in, That these terrorists have been wedged on Kenya .We hope that some people will begin to contextualize what is going on and begin to appreciate the challenges that Kenya is going through,the region is going through,and the complications that are brought by what is going on here. We believe in justice,we believe in fair play and we have as a country,both the president and myself as individuals,we’ve committed ourselves to be present here in court so that we can clear our names but we have to counter balance our individual responsibilities or responsibilities as individuals and legitimate constitutional requirements by 40 million Kenyans.I will be home hopefully this evening to participate in my capacity as deputy president in managing the situation at home and hopefully we should be able to bring this to a close in the shortest time possible to alleviate any further suffering and to put our country on the safe path” .
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 15:51:56 +0000

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