William and Kate’s first child will be the 23rd cousin - TopicsExpress


William and Kate’s first child will be the 23rd cousin twice-removed of Beyonce and Jay-Z’s baby Blue Ivy, according to ancestry researchers. Baby Cambridge’s connection to musical royalty has been found through Blue Ivy’s links to French and British royal heritage. Family tree website findmypast.co.uk also claims to have found distant links between the first-born of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and celebrity couples such as Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, whose three children will be 11th cousins with the royal baby. And the little prince or princess will be 27th cousins of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s six children. Glamorous actresses Maggie Gyllenhaal and Uma Thurman will also be distant relations of the baby, which is due in the next couple of weeks. The connections were made by studying the ancestry of royal family members, including the Queen, to uncover relationships to Hollywood A-listers. Debra Chatfield, a family historian at findmypast.co.uk, said: “It’s long been said that the USA and UK have a special relationship, and that is certainly the case between Hollywood’s elite and the Royal Family. “The closest relation we found to the Hollywood children was the late Princess Diana. “Diana’s ancestry includes a number of early settlers on the east coast of the USA that can be traced right up to the modern day.”
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 20:28:19 +0000

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