Willow Dragonstone Community is facing a dilemna. We can go out - TopicsExpress


Willow Dragonstone Community is facing a dilemna. We can go out and continue to find a physical location to have classes, or given the response at the last class, we can invest in a membership to Skype, Adobe Classroom or Google+ instead. We would still have classes that are best attended in person, however, it would allow for larger online class numbers. Currently we are maxed out at 13 and our last class had up to 4 persons waiting for entry at one time. We have the possibility of utilizing the Gwinnett Congregation of the Unitarian Universalist church in Gwinnett County. It would cost us $100 per month ($25 per classroom). This UU does have a Pagan CUPPS group already. The CUPPS Group at the UU host 8 sabbatt celebrations and no classes or moons - as I understand it. We have yet to meet this group. Adobe Connect costs $32.95/month and more. Skype seems limited to 10 persons. Google+ was difficult to locate regarding pricing. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_conferencing_software this link gives an over view of potential web conferencing hosters we could utilize without pricing.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 15:34:22 +0000

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