Winding down thoughts: Interesting Dem. president, MA governor & - TopicsExpress


Winding down thoughts: Interesting Dem. president, MA governor & legislators have been so unfavorable for so long & continued thru Election year - pretty unusual, unpleasant but good fortune for opposition (R). Our (R) candidates have worked hard for years or going on a year to be in this position! Many Dem. retirements this year helps (Deval, Sen. pres.), lots of open seats helps. Strong (not perfect) (R) slate of candidates & weak (D) slate helps - quality at top = Charlie, always helps - thank you sir. Improved state-wide GOP effort on IT & GOTV is discreet but huge! (voters Info-Tech & Get-Out-The-Vote) Charlie has polled ahead 1-9 points for 10 weeks - unheard of in MA politics! Our friend Jordie said weeks ago this year could be better than 1990 Weld & as good as 1966 Sargent-Brooke-Richardson-Volpe. (Yes we noticed eiree 25 years cycle & yes we had to google those guys too.) No one gets around a county more than Tony & has for years: meetings, events, coffee shops (yes attends the opening of an envelope hardy har har), talking to hundreds weekly, knocked on doors, reading & listening about issues - when he says Dem voters AND LEADERS say theyre voting against (D) or for (R) - a big percentage WILL (est. at least 2 of 3 independents + 1 of 3 Dems = 60%). They are disgusted with out-of-touch leaders destroying our country with out-of-control government hurting all of us - for too long - self-service (vice public-service) must be stopped now! The worst embarassment of MA failures is top national loss of citizens - our most important asset - it must stop. For too long, our historic state has been a national punch-line & magnet for problems & most voters are finally fed up & had enough! For weeks Republican campaign leaders have responded: oh I dont know, gee I hope so, reminding us of pre-2004 Red Sox fans, rightfully so. We stand on the shoulders of hard-working conservatives of 1966, 1990, Scotts 2010 team, the 2010 doubling of (R) state reps! A (big) wave this year? 1966? Maybe. Even new state-wide candidates who have been campaigning for only months have huge newspaper endorsements - all (R) are in play, all (R) have a chance! ONLY accountability is INFREQUENT elections - ONLY accountability - ELECTIONS - thats it, wrote letters to Congress, wrote letter to Editors - howd that work out? Not! This is it! In next 4 days, please do 10 days of campaigning, work like we are down by a touchdown! Dont just complain - also campaign! Were going on Charlies website again right now & making another donation (yes candidates do not have to donate to other candidates - but this is that important). If you havent already, go to & please donate to our campaign. Print out the first page of a website, make 30 copies, drop them in your neighbors doors. Call or text a few dozen friends - ask them if they are happy with their government - tell them they have one option to change it - Tues. Email dozens or your entire address directory - what could be easier - tell them youve had it & who you are voting for. Ask them to make a difference in trying to fire & change misguided, failed leadership - voters are the boss - but the boss has to do the job too! Vote then hold a sign with like-minded patriots - for a few minutes or hours - smile at arrogant Dems campaign-operatives holding their signs who try to intimidate us - and voters! Roll down your window, honk at our sign-holders, cheer them on! Ask sign-holders if they want a coffee, get em one - give em left-over Halloween candy! The only accountability is ELECTIONS - nothing else - NOTHING. We must TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY. Tues. will be huge: our hard-working, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens are finally going to send a message to the self-serving machine - be with us Tues. night & be able to say: I did more than just vote for that victory, I was a small or large leader in grass-roots participation. Then newly-elected leaders have to do the job - or well be fired next - as it should be. In victory, keep fightin
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 13:14:59 +0000

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