Wine Promoting versus Advertising! I think that most Americans - TopicsExpress


Wine Promoting versus Advertising! I think that most Americans have come to hate most of the advertising we see on a daily basis, especially those obnoxious TV commercials (the most vile are the political ones weve all been seeing non-stop for the past 6 weeks). It has gotten so bad that I keep the remote close by and as soon as the commercials start I hit the Mute button. I have to imagine that if the average winery owner feels half as strongly as I do they would NEVER advertise their wines...yet many wineries do just that especially on Facebook. The owners may not feel that it is advertising but basically all one way communication is a form of advertising. So what should they do? Promote their wine! No...I am not suggesting that you ask people to buy your wine or to describe it in minute detail but you can talk about it. Tell the story of the about how you started as if you were telling a new friend (or that this new friend had asked you this same question). Talk about the latest harvest or relate something interesting that had happened while the XXXXX (add a variety name) grapes had been growing...or tell us about something unique that happened in the cellar during the winemaking process. Show a picture and related to everyone what was happening at that moment that makes it interesting to that they also find it interesting. Make the conversation a two way story...invite people to comment or to express their ideas. Talk about changes made in the tasting room or relate a funny story that recently happened there. People like to hear from people..not from businesses (that is again just advertising). People like when they are engaged and even if shy after awhile they will respond. How can you tell if you have successfully promoted a wine or winery? If no one responds then you are still advertising...if people comment then they feel you have reached out to them and that is a VERY GOOD THING! In the coming months and years, those who promote their wine business will be easy to tell...they will be the successful ones!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 16:25:30 +0000

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