Winston Bowie: Wonderfully Deadly Australian Funnel Web Spider? - TopicsExpress


Winston Bowie: Wonderfully Deadly Australian Funnel Web Spider? Absolutely. But before you condemn her or reach for the can of raid, think about this: Put in a container, the size of a grand canyon, the animals man has killed for sport, for fun, for giggles, for sadism, for food, medicine and clothing. Deposit therein all the donkeys Muslims burn alive, push off cliffs. Put all the millions of dogs and cats abandoned by owners to starve and put to sleep by the millions and abused, neglected and used for dog fights, vis-a-vis the rich superstar athletes like Michael Vic who cant find something better to do. Stack the elephants shot for trophy heads, ivory and rhinos for f*** aphrodisiacs by superstitious demons. Put into the container all the horses ridden to death in wars or just to be mean, all the beautiful mountain lions shot from trees, the wolves and whales shot from helicopters and great ships for sport. Now put in all the lions, tigers and ibex, sheep, cows and bears and giraffes killed in fenced in canned hunts by fat rich guys who dont want to run too far to satisfy their bloodlust. Finally, though the list is FAR FROM COMPLETE, add all the fish that we eat and which die in selfish aquariums and as the bloody cherry of torture, place on the tippy top of this grisly death-tree the trillions of animals tortured in atheist vivisection labs. The grand canyon isnt big enough. Now contemlate all the humans killed by animals. Its like comparing a single electron to all the particles in the universe. Animals have NEVER gone out of their way to hurt humans. And they never will. We OWE ANIMALS. To not appreciate each one, the life we could never invent or create or sustain and that was here when we arrived, and knowing we only kill kill kill, and take take take... seems out of place not to have tears in our eyes when we say, Thank you animals, creatures, purring and flying and swimming among us. We owe you. And if you are good you can say, We love you. And if you are moral you can say, Wherever possible, I will choose your living welfare over your oppressed murder - every chance I get. Love, TheZoo † TheAngel † ManOnTrial
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 08:53:20 +0000

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