Winter fitness; why should I workout if I know Im going to eat - TopicsExpress


Winter fitness; why should I workout if I know Im going to eat junk food anyway? This time of year is the notorious slow season for gyms. The traffic where I workout has diminished by about half and it stays this way or worsens until the 2nd week of January when it becomes packed like sardines with people and their resolution to drop the added holiday weight. I realize that it is bundle up season, its colder and so getting a little softer doesnt matter as much because boating and BBQs are out, but stopping the workouts is one of the worst things you can do, here are the reasons why... 1. Less sunshine means lower Vitamin D3 levels. This lowers immunity, increasing the chances of getting sick and decreases mood. Depression is a major issue for the winter months for many people. Working out not only helps immunity, but it improves mood as well. 2. Hello candy, pies, chocolates, eating out and eating beyond our full point. The average person gains 10 pounds over these next 3 months. If we entirely stop our workouts, our body will atrophy what we have earned for muscle, slowing down metabolism and this will result in a faster body fat gain. Keep working out, youll maintain muscle, if not increase a little from the additional calories. Youll also prevent as much body fat gain or stay the same. This way when January and February roll around, youll be that much further ahead of schedule, wont have to kill yourself and then feel defeated because you arent where you want to be for the summer months again. Of all of the seasons, the winter is actually the most beneficial time to workout! You may not be able to show off efforts, but our immunity and sanity truly benefit the most from winter fitness. Keep going, fitness shouldnt be entirely based on aesthetics, our general health should be the major priority anyway and then the aesthetics come along with it.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 20:24:26 +0000

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