Winter is coming ! How many of you enjoy getting into hot - TopicsExpress


Winter is coming ! How many of you enjoy getting into hot shower ? I bet there are many of you who do, well I did for sure, but not anymore as Ive found out a secret which am gonna share with you guys in this article. You see, a month back I stumbled upon an article about cold showers, and how its beneficial for you. Initially I thought what the heck, Its winter already !! I mean comon, cold showers ??? no way. and now here I am taking cold showers for last two months and actually writing a post about its benefits :) Now it would be an overstatement to say that taking cold showers transformed me into something else, but hey, they have done good changes to my skin and my body. I am asthmatic and sometimes have trouble taking deep breaths, but not anymore. My skin use to feel dry all the time but not anymore ! it doesnt end here, I have not seen a single new pimple popping out on my face since the day i have started taking cold showers. Thinking about trying cold showers yet ? no ? Well here are some more reasons why you should consider taking cold showers instead of hot showers -Hot showers make you lazy and sleepy but an icy stream of water will wake you up for sure -It requires quite a bit of will power, determination and mental strength to step naked right into a neverending stream of ice cold water pouring down on you. Cold showers are one of the cheapest and most effective ways to toughen up and build mental strength. -Cold showers get your heart pumping, your lungs breathing and your muscles flexing.This will make your blood circulate better, flushing toxins out of your body. -Regular cold showers help your body lessen the chance of getting nasty stuff like colds and flus, varicose veins, haemorrhoids and cancer -If you shower cold, your body warms up on the inside. This sparks your metabolism and enhances the delivery of nutrients into your muscle cells. It will also get your body in gear for burning off a little bit of extra fat. -Cold water sends your glands – adrenals, thyroid and testes – into overdrive, improving hormonal activity. Elevate your testosterone levels and increase sperm count naturally and for free. Long warm showers, on the contrary, are known to decrease your sperm count and make you sluggish and lazy. -Let cold water sparkle on your skin and hair and both of them will look better, healthier and rejuvenated, say bye to skin infections, dryness, pimples How about now ? I know, I know, you want to do it, but its just too uncomfortable. Hmm It wont be as much if you try this technique : start by taking a hot shower and then gradually decreasing the temperature till its very cold, do that for a couple of days and you are set , you wont feel the need for hot showers anymore. Winter is coming, are you ready ?
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 13:40:36 +0000

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