Wisdom Wendys Going Deeper Video Blog UNWINDING SCOLIOSIS…By - TopicsExpress


Wisdom Wendys Going Deeper Video Blog UNWINDING SCOLIOSIS…By Using Yourself Well, As A Human Being(Part 1) Im very excited to recommend a new book Move your DNA..Restore your Health through Natural Movement by Katy Bowman. Katy has come to the same conclusion that I have been studying and teaching for 20 years. ….that WE ARE HOW WE MOVE. When we stop treating ourselves as objects to be trained and fixed by exercising for short bursts of time..as a human doing…… and remember how to energize and MOVE in ways that open us to our human-beingness, we discover that our bodies are designed, from conception, with an ability to self-regulate and self-heal, till the day we die. Scoliosis is usually approached as a problem to be fixed, rather than an opportunity to gain a deeper relationship with gravity, ourselves, one another and our environment. As you can see, my client, Adrian and I have developed a way of approaching her scoliosis so that SHE is the EXPERT in her own body… and I am one of her guides on this path. In this Part 1 segment, and next in Part 2, we are showing how we use human movement patterning postures which I have used for many years, and have experienced profound results in practicing. Osteopath, Phillip Beach, re- introduced many of these primal postures as Archetypal Postures and Erectorcizes in his 2013 and 2014 workshops with us in Austin and around the U.S. Adrian is using the Wall for feedback…we could also use a pad behind her back …..either on the more convex right side of her upper spine, which can open the concave left side to breath or on the concave side which can encourage a deeper relationship of breathing with the wall and pads support….ask the person to give feedback as to what makes the greatest difference. Adrian is sitting first in Toe Sit, on her metatarsal heads and heels, which encourages her spine to release toward her heels..this is a major unwinding of her spine. Hero (Kneeling Posture) is the next pose, in which Adrian sits inside her inner arches with her heels releasing out…still with the focus of settling down and allowing her spine to find its natural 2 directions from earth to sky. This is a process over time, and sometimes requires padding under ankles, or behind the knees to allow your spine to release. Notice that Adrian is sensing her body and its relationship with gravity, as she uses the pose to meet her needs. Adrian then moves to 1 Leg Hero(Cowboy Pose) and is challenged in allowing her front foot anterior ankle to soften at the Tibialis Anterior…this ankle release allows her heel on that side to release back and her foot to open more fully into the ground. Coupling this with allowing her hip that is off the ground to release toward the floor speaks directly to grounding her spine Down the Back, and enlivening the front of her spine Up the Front When Adrian returns to Toe Sit and then Hero, her back is more open to breath and she is more comfortable with resting down…she then moves to looking far and near…which is a distinction that we teach at Pilates Center of Austin to awaken the intrinsic spine. While sitting down, Adrian looks ahead with soft eyes and then looks down the wall and along the floor toward herself, rounding her body into an embryo shape….without skipping spaces..this soft looking encourages her intrinsic spine to enliven and breath opens her back. Then she looks near to far…along the floor…up the wall…along the ceiling…as far as she can both sit down and look comfortably… to feel a deep internal lordosis from sacrum to occiput. She then gently drops her chin and looks forward, while still sitting down with a new internal lift that has emerged. pilatescenterofaustin/videos.html
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 12:59:08 +0000

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