Wisdom for Good Health 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 God cares - TopicsExpress


Wisdom for Good Health 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 God cares deeply for the physical bodies that He’s given His children. Let’s review some simple ways to look after yourself physically. First, pay close attention to what you eat. Your body will use whatever food you give it—whether good or bad—as fuel. The decision about what kind of fuel to consume is yours alone. When you fill your body with the wrong things, you are limiting its efficiency, energy, and overall potential. Second, exercise is vital to a healthy body. You may say, “Well, I just can’t do that.” Yes, you can; it is a matter of discipline. You may not enjoy exercise, but your body needs it. If all you can do is walk, then walk! Third, wisdom about health requires examining your attitude. How’s your outlook regarding yourself, your life, and other people? A positive attitude affects the body by freeing it of stress. Finally, spending time in prayer and Bible study affects physical well-being. You were created to be in relationship with God; it only makes sense, then, that actively engaging in this relationship and realigning your mind and spirit toward Him can have beneficial effects on the body He created for you. Many people attempt to separate spiritual life from the physical. This is not what God intended. If you truly believe your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19-20), then you must realize that failing to maintain your health is both a physical and a spiritual problem. What is the Lord saying to you about the way you care for your body?
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 08:50:49 +0000

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