Wisdom is supreme! It is all we need to excel in all areas of life - TopicsExpress


Wisdom is supreme! It is all we need to excel in all areas of life ( spiritually, academically, etc). Wisdom comes from God and God alone. He shares it with whoever desires to get it, but we are not the only ones who desire to get wisdom, satan desires it as well. Satan is the only creature who will desire wisdom until he meets his eternal suffering without tasting the flavor of wisdom because God does not share wisdom with the devil. Where is satans intelligence coming from if he is not wise? His intelligence comes from the skills he developed to manipulate mankind. satan can only be clever but not wise. This explains why he can orchestrate evil and end up being exposed. He is not wise to cover his tracks. Satans cleverness is limited to knowing how to inflict people with problems, innovating evil attack strategies to destroy mankind and having very sharp mind to deceive people by creating short - term problem solving methods for those who seek him for what seems to be permanent help. What does wisdom involve? Wisdom has to do with depth of knowledge , and with being able to see the big picture and the long - term consequences of a choice. Why we can say satan is not wise is for the same reasons illustrated on the definition of wisdom, he creates short - term problems without thinking of the long - term consequences of the actions he takes against Gods children. Therefore satan can never be a threat to children of God who operate in Gods divine wisdom ( Proverbs 1:7 / 4:7/ 9:10, Psalm 111:10 ) #SeekWisdom
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 21:15:59 +0000

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