Wisdom keys on how to eradicate high blood pressure Therapy 3 – - TopicsExpress


Wisdom keys on how to eradicate high blood pressure Therapy 3 – [Acknowledge your redemption allocation, Isaiah 53] God designed a more perfect transaction of our problems for His. He fully designed a redemption package that will take care of all our problems. The Bible says we were bought with a full high price [1corinthians 6:20]. The price of the blood of God’s only begotten son [John 3; 16]. You and I have been redeemed from the clutches of the devil. Jesus made a public spectacle of the devil and his agents spoiling principalities and powers triumphing over them in it [Colossi ans 2:15]. He disarmed them so they are powerless against you and i. You are molested, harassed, attacked and afflicted because you are ignorant of the allocation allocated to you in the redemption package. When you are aware and remind the devil he has no option than to live you alone. Jesus said be of good cheer for I have overcome the world [John 16:33]. He defeated and disarmed the devil before He left the earth so that you and I can walk free from guilt, shame, condemnation and affliction. That which you see around your body is all fake and not real; the devil only wants to know if you are aware that your body has been bought with a price. Its ignorance that makes the devil afflicts you. But when you are aware of your allocation in redemption he can’t come near you. Even if he attempts you will rebuke him with the word and he will flee from you [James 4:7]. Your allocation in redemption is to walk in divine health and prosperity [3John2]. Jesus paid the full price and qualified your body to be the temple of the holy spirit and anyone that dares your body which is God’s temple the almighty will destroy [1Corinthians 3:16-17]. Ignorance of God’s wisdom via His word against sickness, diseases and afflictions is the major cause of your problem. The day you acquire this wisdom every reproach lives that same hour. God sent Jesus on a suicide like mission because Jesus said He has the power to give His life and take it back [John 10:17-18]. It’s like all the problems of this world boarding an aircraft and crash landing or nose diving with all the problems ending them there. He took all our problems, sins, transgressions to the cross and nailed them there. He crashed them on the cross so we can walk free on the earth. The cause of your sickness is ignorance rise up and speaks to that body of yours because it’s the temple of the living God. That body of yours has been fully paid for with a high price. The devil cannot die for anybody talks less of his agents but Jesus did it for me and you triumphing over them in it giving god all the glory. God’s wisdom made us free beings without worry and anxiety. You can begin to access this redemption allocation once you accept the lordship of Jesus as your lord and savior [Romans 10:9-10]. It’s so cheap to knock the devil out of your life, just acknowledge this truth and feat Jesus embarked on for us all and walk in health, freedom, and liberty. Your total restoration as a redeemed child of God is sure once you step out of ignorance and acknowledge your redemption allocation via the knowledge of the word of God. So go and enjoy health and freedom as with prosperity as you stick and hold on to this truth. Always remember the price for your prosperity, health, and liberty has been fully paid for. Remember He carried our burdens, was wounded for our sins, bruised for our iniquities, chastised so that we can have peace; He was flogged with stripes on his back so that we can be healed. He was beaten so that I and you can walk in divine health [Isaiah 53:4-5]. The Bible says He Himself took away our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. He took them to the cross and died with them there [Matthew 8:18]. It all ended on the cross of Calvary. He rose up after three days and made the devil little before us by disarming and defeating them publicly [Colossi ans 2:15]. Friends it all ended on the cross so that high blood pressure, sickness, diseases, reproach, and setback is all fake if you acknowledge this truth and speak it to the hearing of the devil. After today he must pack his negativity and live your body alone for you to honor God with your body. God bless you. Begin to claim and walk in the reality of your redemption allocation and liberty in Jesus Name. Brother Onome .B. Abohweyere.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 23:49:57 +0000

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