Wisdom that will carry you for years to come by Dr G.W Jansen. - TopicsExpress


Wisdom that will carry you for years to come by Dr G.W Jansen. Appreciate everything you have in Christ. We do not have some of the good qualities in life because we are those qualities. Get to the place of awekening where you have authority of God, stop asking for what you have. Wisdom has settled in your heart. You did not choose Him but He chose you. Since He chose you He has not changed His mind. Be confident in God ignore false word spoken to you. When you trust God you take a step to nothingness and nothingness become something. All the promises of God are yes. When you come to Him you come to faith not ordinariness. Your success has been fore planned because you were chosen before the foundation of the earth. Nothing happens by wish but by faith. Success is by design and it is deliberate. Activate the spirit man, speak sucess, success is a result of repetetive succession. Creativity and acting on things will make you rich. Most season of our lives are guided by decisions. If you decide to bring Jesus to your agenda it will end the year of barrenes. 1st Law of success is the law of difference. Having wisdom to be able to differentiate yourself to others. Dont waste time where you are not celebrated but be happy to see the people who cant celebrate you. Dont give meaning to all the bad things people are doing in your life. Problem are a seed for a reward. They are a hidden mistry, discover what is in the problem, crack it open. Problem is a gate to recognition. Pharoas problem became Josephs solution. Until there is a Goliath there is no David. 2nd law of success. Law of the mind he that is everywhere is no where. Rule the mind, control the mind, concentrate until you finish, make the mind work for you. Use your mind to have a picture of what you want and go for it. If you can succeed in your mind you will succeed in life. Your mind is a living thing. If your mind does not have the future it will play the former things. Your mind needs an instruction, it is your servant, it works for you, it must not master you. Walk in the blessing of God be an answer to someone. Happy weekyou.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 18:45:14 +0000

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