~ Wiser Devotional ~ Prov. 26:20 Where there is no wood, the fire - TopicsExpress


~ Wiser Devotional ~ Prov. 26:20 Where there is no wood, the fire goes out; And where there is no talebearer, strife ceases. We’ve all been involved in situations and conversations that became contentious and argumentative. Instead of going along with the flow of the situation so that conflict sets in, this verse gives us a simple, failsafe solution: let the fire go out. In such situations, the mature person recognizes that there are choices beyond keeping up one’s part in the on-going exchange. Strife, discord, and disagreements are too potentially harmful for believers to be a partner in them. Arguments are often prolonged because the participants lose sight of any reasonable objective. If the goal is to find a point of truth, well-intentioned people will usually come to a position of agreement in which the truth will win. However, if the objective is to be the winner, things usually get ugly. Points of discussion should always be about what is right, not who is right. Truth is not a personal possession; it exists independent of human influence. Before the fire of a disagreement get too hot, it’s often wiser to make the choice to resist throwing any more wood on it – no more thoughts, points of view, or responses. Prov. 17:14 says “The beginning of strife is like releasing water; therefore stop contention before a quarrel starts.” Contention is stopped by letting the fire go out – no more wood. This does not mean that we suddenly resort to the “silent treatment.” It simply means we graciously refrain from adding more wood to the fire. Often, less is more – say less, and accomplish more. Many passages in Proverbs teach us this. Remember, the goal is what is right, not who is right. - Ken Schultz
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 16:30:01 +0000

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