Wisest most heartfelt words I couldve ever read. Thank god for a - TopicsExpress


Wisest most heartfelt words I couldve ever read. Thank god for a misplaced number. Okay, now here is the auntie advice, kapeesh?! If he is playing with your emotions, he isnt who you want to be with. Someone who cares about you and more importantly loves you the way a husband should (you are dating to find a husband) would not do that to you. The last thing someone wants to do is hurt the ones they love, especially on purpose, especially in such a personal and emotional way. Marriage is hard work, dating should be easy and full of laughs and fun and little to no arguments. Marriage isnt hard because you fight all the time or because you just cant stand the person you married. Marriage is hard because every day you choose to put the needs of your spouse above your own. You sacrifice constantly to ensure your other half is happy and fulfilled. That being said, your other half should be doing the same. If they dont treat you beyond amazing while dating, they wont when youre married either. In fact if they just treat you good or okay, they will most likely treat you like shit. Marry someone who cant stand to see you hurting, marry someone that when you cry, they cry too because it hurts them to see you hurt, marry someone who wants nothing more than to make you happy and take care of you and your babies, marry someone who you feel the same way about. If youre fighting for someones love already, they arent worth the fight. I want nothing more for you than for you to know what a true peaceful home and marriage is like. I want you to have a better man than you ever imagined possible! That doesnt mean they always do what you want, buy you everything you want, or never hurt your feelings. It does mean that they ALWAYS consider your emotions and feelings and preferences before making a final decision, it does mean that they work two or three jobs if necessary to make ends meet, and it does mean that they never purposeful hurt you. Yes, there are disagreements in every relationship, thats life, just please dont force a failing relationship to last. You will end up sad and lonely. You might be married, but he will be a prick and youll spend all your time fighting and crying over things. I know you feel like your world is crashing down right now, but I promise after the rain stops that there is a beautiful day headed your way. It may take more time than you want for someone who is worthy of a love that I know you can give to come along, but I promise you with every fiber of my being that they are worth the wait! Just as you deserve to be treated this way, so does your future husband. Guard your heart and your love (and your vagina) for a man who deserves it. Stop giving away tiny pieces of yourself to a man who isnt really a man. I know I sound like an old married lady (I am), but take it from someone who is watching 5 of her friends go through divorces and/or extremely unhappy marriages. I am beyond thankful for the love that Robert and I have for each other and I am saddened when I see others who dont have that. It isnt that Robert is my soul mate or my one and only (no such thing) but it is that we put each other first always and that we are both willing to make compromises to please the other one. If the same person is always making the sacrifices that relationship will never work, it doesnt matter if it is the male or female. A husband should love his wife the way Jesus loves us. I understand that love more now that I have Robert and my babies and Im telling you to wait for it. Wait for someone willing. Youve lived a crazy and hectic life growing up. Give yourself, your husband, and your kids the gift/blessing of a stable and happy home filled with love and laughter for one another that no outside sources or distractions can tear apart. I have no idea how long this is, so Ill hit send now. I love you, Bree! Youre a treasure and deserve to be sought after.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 01:42:14 +0000

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