Wish I knew this guys name. heavyset long haired fella comes in to - TopicsExpress


Wish I knew this guys name. heavyset long haired fella comes in to the shop every so often with one of his buddies to a tourney. Always loud and talks a lot of trash. His usual method is intimidation of opponents to let him do whatever he wants. Id seen hi before and had never actually played him. This one particular tournament Chad had actually came to play and he was very rusty as he usually plays fantasy.Not a good day for Chad as of course, he wasnt doing well and more so because his legs were bothering him. They were literally bleeding and bruised causing him pain. Chad had the misfortune to play this guy and the guy acted like a total jackass because he saw that Chad was in pain and was also a good guy who wasnt into it enough to argue. After a turn or two of the guy loudtalking and arguing every little detail of the game belittling Chad (both right and wrong), Chad was forced to just concede the game to get it over with and not have to deal with the guy anymore. I talked with Chad after after the round to see how he was doing and he told me about it. Wouldnt you know it, I was scheduled for this clown on the next round. The guy tried to do the same stuff to me and I called him on every cheat he tried and he attempted to intimidate me as well (he is a big guy and looks like he works out, and does the wild man routine) Little did he know, I was a wild man when I was younger and faced more than my fair share of jokers like him and came out on top. Besides, were he to follow through with the threats of violence and beating my ass like he said he was gonna do, he woulda been banned Im sure so I refused to back down and he did not know how to handle it resorting to more of the same tactics. Finally, he pods down a huge mess of gribblies in front of my ADL and tells me I dont get a cover save because not all of my models are in base contact with it. I remind him and show him in the rule book that vehicles that are obscured from view get the cover save and the same goes for the unit as the majority of them were in base contact (it was harkers mob with came getting the 2+) Seeing that i would then be able to remove his failed alpha strike and that I had already wiped out his long range artillery droppers, he saw a loss coming and cranked up the intimidation and threats. I stood my ground as the rulebook supported me in black and white. The shop owner made the ruling of roll off for it (we did that very often growing up with my old group) so i said cool and rolled a dice. It came up as a 6. This clown refused to follow the rulebook and then refused to follow the tourney judge ruling and refused to roll. He threw a tantrum cussing, threats and packed up his models from the table refusing to finish the game. The funny part was that when he turned in his score sheet, he actually put himself down as the winner. When the judge fixed the score sheets, he correctly ruled the win for me. Unfortunately for me, it was too early in the game for me to get linebreaker and kill the warlord scores. Afterwards, he sulked and gave dirty looks. I got more than a few atta boys for standing up to him.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 19:02:04 +0000

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