Wish we had a autobahn or whatever they call it. I would get on - TopicsExpress


Wish we had a autobahn or whatever they call it. I would get on it everyday and go wide open from one end to the other just to relax and enjoy it and take a lot of stress off of me. I keep saying like David the Kings business requires haste but most Californians probably 99% or more drive so slow it is so frustrating. I start praying and going Father please make them move faster or bless them but right now make their car just pull over to the side or get a flat or something. I know a lot of family drive slow but it just is so hard for me as to me there is only one way to drive. I come home bummed because of some of the crazy antics or ways I behave on the freeway and roads especially mountain roads but I just wish God would of made two earths and one for real fast drivers and one for all the rest of the people. I hate being rude or cutting in and out and cranking it on but like today the guy at the dump said you do not have a chance in the world to get to your supply house at 5 when I pulled up with a monster load of wood that I had to get off and I said I will be there and one more place before 5 and he said cant do it and sure enough I was able to pull it off but not without some fancy driving and .............................. The dump was closing at 4:30 and they were trying to get us out and I wanted out but even lol left the girl with 10 bucks too much as I was out of time and had to pull up to the scale and get it and a big truck was sitting there so I blew out of there with Juan and dumped him on the side of the road elsewhere and flew down. But it feels sooooooo good lol to feel the air hit you and yet I come home bummed each time as I remember a few people who would like to tell me off good. Aw who knows, maybe I am just blowing smoke to see who reads this lol. No one lol. It is ok, I am just winding down. I pray my Father puts me in charge of high speed intergallactical driving school in heaven when I get there so each one who freaks when I take them on the ride has to go back and sit at heavens gate or something. So much room up there I will have 99% of the people heading off for the sun or some dark planet while I have it wide open exploring the universe. I know the other 99% want to be sitting at His feet and that is awesome but I want to break all speed records up there and see what it is like to go so fast I just turn into a flame ball or something. Hope there are no traffic cops up there lol. My Father said I get diplomatic immunity up there when it comes to driving but it does not matter as no one will catch me lol. Ok, time to sit and study and ask forgiveness for getting upset with slow drivers. I think fast drivers will live twice as long if they are good at it. Their senses stay keen always. Oh well. I am serious though lol. I do not want any nitrous up there. That will be for the slow people. I want the very best. It just feels good to get to places super fast when others like the guys today said no way Mike and I knew yes way. I try so hard to drive slow but it just is not in me. Even catch a few shut eyes while doing it sometimes. Ok, I am wound down. Time to get alone and put SOMEONE else first right now. I am doing better. I have gone from 9000 miles on a set of tires to about 13 or so. No brag - just fact. Who was the guy in the western that said that all the time. It wasnt Palladin in Have Gun Will Travel was it? No, it was the almost funny guy or oh what was his name. Anyway.......... I want to say Gabby Hayes but not him but just cannot pull it up right now.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 05:56:56 +0000

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