Witches Bottles and Witches Balls Throughout history, witches - TopicsExpress


Witches Bottles and Witches Balls Throughout history, witches have placed spells in a bottle sealing it with wax and placed in the home or buried to ensure that the spell will result in a desired outcome. They are, quite literally, a powerful spell sealed within a glass bottle. Depending on the spell that is sealed within the bottle, they can be placed discreetly within the home, placed in a pocket or handbag for an important meeting or interview or they can be buried on a person’s property or within a potted plant. Once opened the spell is done. They hold their magic for as long as the seal and bottle remain unbroken. Typically, these powerful little bottles are used to attract, eliminate, protect or enhance a situation. Witch Bottle: A small bottle, traditionally of blue or green glass, filled with broken glass, bent nails, and other damaged bits of material which can cut and pierce. They are a protective spell and might also contain the hair, nails, and urine of a victim. They may be sealed into the walls of a house or buried under the porch or hearth to absorb evil. More recently the contents have included herbs such as rosemary, wine, and pins. Witches Ball: You will need a clear glass ball or Yule ornament with an opening in one end. If the glass ball has some kind of design, choose one you like or one you can change with further decoration. You will also need a bottle of silver paint found in hobby stores, a few drops of frankincense or patchouli oil, a spool of red thread, and a pair of scissors. Cover you working space with newspaper to protect against spills. Take the metal cap off the ornament. Carefully pour a little of the silver paint inside the ball and swish it around until the inside is completely covered with the silver. Set it aside to dry. When the paint is totally dry, cut the red thread into three inch-lengths. Carefully poke this thread into the open end of the ball. Continue cutting and putting the thread into the ball until the ball is nearly full. Put in a few drops of oil. Then put the end back on the ornament. If it has no end, seal it with candle wax. When you hang the protection ball, chant: Symbol of the Moon, symbol of the Lady divine, Reject all negativity, defend this home (car), me and mine. This protection ball can be hung in the window of your home or in your car. Any negative thoughts or ill-wishes directed against you are reflected back to the sender. You can also decorate the outside with appropriate designs.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 19:23:05 +0000

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