Witches and humans A couple of days back, I was re watching the - TopicsExpress


Witches and humans A couple of days back, I was re watching the movie Hansel and Gretel; a classic witch hunting movie where the protagonists have for mission to kill witches. Of course there are good witches and bad witches, but here I will focus on the bad ones. Witches have always been portrayed as the impersonation of pure evil; representing all that is bad in the world. Through movies and novels, witches are always the ones to be defeated by a hero on the path of self discovery. But leaving fiction aside, through the course of history, and even in modern days, in several regions in Africa, people suspected to be adepts of witchcraft are tortured and burnt in public. Which is more intriguing: ALL religious books I know of, condemns witchcraft. Which made me think : How or rather why did it all start? When did this animosity between humans and witches root from? And more specially : Why do we view witches as being bad and harmful to the extent of prosecuting and killing them on sight ? If we analyse carefully how we define a witch, it comes down to this: A witch is a person who practices witchcraft. Witchcraft (also called witchery or spell-craft) is the use of magical faculties, most commonly for religious, divinatory or medicinal purposes. This may take many forms depending on cultural context. (Wikipedia). This is basically what defines a witch. In my opinion, Science and medicine are merely glorified witchcraft. Simply, the latter is more ancient. For witches have always been known to be deeply rooted in tradition. Mostly all witches live deep in the forest, in touch with nature. Unlike humans who tend to destroy even the planet they are living in. Humans also perform rituals and divinations. They are glorified for that. Some are even popular superstars, praised for their “talents”. We call them magicians, illusionists or mentalists. We lay down red carpets, spend loads of money for their shows and chant their names. The stereotypical witches are commonly portrayed as wicked old women who have wrinkled skin, pimples, and pointy hats. They wear clothes that are black or purple. They also have warts on their noses and sometimes long claw-like fingernails. (wikipedia) Maybe that is where it all started. They look different. Witches have their own ways of doing things, they are profoundly traditional, live in touch with nature and ancient knowledge, have respect for the place they live in, create potions and elixirs, are highly spiritual, have their own culture and dressing habit, but look different. Witchcraft is nothing more than a religion and a culture we dont understand. A god we demonised for we didnt understand. Since the dawn of time, Man has always feared what he cant understand. If death was a living thing, Man would kill it. Humans are so profoundly insecure, that we strive to own and possess everything around us: land, resources, even other living beings. We invented territories and fight over it. We invented money so we can own everything. We invented religion because we wanted to own god. Sharing is a concept we kept only for petty things. The only real, tangible reason I could find, is this : Witches kill humans. Witches hate humans, and we hate them. Witches kill humans, humans kill witches AND kill each other. What if humans started killing witches first? All evidence seems to point towards that. We tend to conquer and dominate everything. It is part of our nature. We kill everything that scares us. A witch would rarely kill a human for no reason. It is mostly to protect themselves and when a human trespasses their territory. Because, well, humans kill witches. Witches too are afraid to die. They view the death of their own as a tragedy and would do anything to protect their children and siblings. They too feel pain and despair. We just started killing each other so long ago , we lost track of how it started. The following generations perpetuate the animosity based on the hatred building up throughout the centuries of killing. But since we are on the human side of the war, and we are larger in numbers, we view them as the wrong ones. If there is evil in witchcraft, there is far more evil in humanity. We are the most egoist, self centred, insecure, delusional and megalomaniac creature living on this planet. Until we learn to let it go, we will never find peace.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 17:40:15 +0000

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