With Christmas upon us many Christians celebrate the birth of - TopicsExpress


With Christmas upon us many Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Many other people might be asking who is Jesus? Who is the one they call Christ? Is his life real? Did he really exist? Well below is some information about Jesus Christ and a video about Him. I encourage all to watch the video, believers and unbelievers alike. The video of the birth of our Savior will have a small scene of the true story of His birth! Not the famous happy happy joy joy fabricated nativity scene that we see every Christmas. Enjoy and Merry Christmas to you all! If you dont know Christ Jesus I deeply encourage you to seek Him with all your heart. He will change your life in ways you could never imagine! If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior this is to you especially! I dont want to overwhelm you with information about Jesus. I just want to give you a taste in hopes that it will be a sweet flavor to you and cause you to hunger for more. It is my prayer and hope that you seek Him with all your heart! Luke 2:11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. (Also read Luke 2: 1-10) WHO IS JESUS? BIBLE READING: John 1:1-18 KEY BIBLE VERSE: In the beginning the Word already existed. He was with God, and he was God. . . . So the Word became human and lived here on earth among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the only Son of the Father. (John 1:1, 14) JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD. What Jesus taught and what he did are tied inseparably to who he is. The Bible shows Jesus as fully human and fully God. Although Jesus took upon himself full humanity and lived as a man, he never ceased to be the eternal God who has always existed, the Creator and Sustainer of all things, and the source of eternal life. This is the truth about Jesus, and the foundation of all truth. If we cannot or do not believe this basic truth, we will not have enough faith to trust our eternal destiny to him. That is why John wrote this Gospel-to build faith and confidence in Jesus Christ so that we may believe that he truly was and is the Son of God (20:30-31). JESUS IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Jesus Christ is the Creator of life, and his life brings light to mankind. In his light, we see ourselves as we really are (sinners in need of a Savior). When we follow Jesus, the true Light, we can avoid walking blindly and falling into sin. He lights the path ahead of us so we can see how to live. He removes the darkness of sin from our life. Have you allowed the light of Christ to shine into your life? Let Christ guide your life, and you’ll never need to stumble in darkness. youtu.be/JEoXWUX4gl8
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 13:25:46 +0000

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