With Every Picture there is a Story. By: Jeni T. I am a - TopicsExpress


With Every Picture there is a Story. By: Jeni T. I am a person who carries a phone with me at all times. I have done this since before it was so common to have a camera phone. I have not written lately because my true thoughts and feelings have been to painful to share publicly, And a photo of the thoughts and feelings just described would not be one to show; nor do I have one. As I do not want to use this page to complain or rant, I do want to share a short story of each picture here. I can write the short story (or paragraph even) and you can try to put them together. I am certain you can figure the connection of each one out. A place seemingly so beautiful that I often wish I could blink and be there. Because this place is here is full of emotions so strong you just go there! And boy is There so beautiful. I almost envy the beauty in which Breanna and Jalen are surrounded by and a part of. This is what a sibling is going to do to entertain oneself because their parents are very very distracted with the process of saving their brother or sisters lives. I look at this picture and smile in part because there is a nice innocence about it; his age, his creativity, and the like. Though it also shows how seemingly easy the situation looks for my baby. But nothing could be further from the truth. He still struggles today, we all do. I am constantly in the mindset of worry, fear, and wonder of how I can make things better for him because he needs help, real help; we all do. Well, this picture is of another one of my babies who is growing up so fast. I am so proud of him! He amazes me on a daily basis. And when I look at this picture I can only hope he will get the chance he so deserves; yes I said deserves. He is committed. He is patient. He is skilled. He is a star. He wants to shine beyond the books and I pray he gets his chance. This picture is an amazing shot of love between siblings. I love this picture which was taken from one of their baby books. They had a special bond; is that why they are together in Heaven now? I will never understand why they had to go before me; before what anyone would consider their time. They got cheated out of this life with their loving family, but how beautiful of a place they are in now. That is what I tell myself, and am learning how to believe. Well, thanks for listening. There is much more to tell with each of these picture stories. And of course as many say A picture tells a thousand words. Maybe I do not need to say anything else; at least for the time being. I Have Faith and I am Strong!! I just do not feel that way every minute of every day. So like many things we go through seemingly big or small, we learn, we grow, we share, and we have to deal. Regards.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 00:42:47 +0000

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