With Gods help, YOU can accomplish previously unimagineable - TopicsExpress


With Gods help, YOU can accomplish previously unimagineable things. Four years ago this month, if you would have told me I could run 7 miles with little effort, I would have thought you were crazy. I was 45 lbs heavier, hadnt run since my early 30s ( and that was just for a summer or two), I was taking blood pressure meds, and in generally lousy shape. In January of 2011 I decided I needed to make some changes in my life. Running wasnt even a consideration. I was weary though of being overweight, unsuccessfully fighting negative thought patterns, and I knew I wasnt the husband or Dad my family had signed up for. So, starting that month, I made gradual, step-by-step lifestyle changes working on better nutrition, reasonable exercise (walking) and spending more time with God in prayer and the Scriptures. Most of you have known me long enough, and have been aware of my progress, that I dont need to go into more details concerning how I arrived in the shape I am in today. Even though there have been some huge challenges spiritually, emotionally, and physically, four years later Im still carrying on with that new lifestyle I wanted at the beginning of 2011, In fact, its been even better than I could have dreamed of, physically and mentally. This is shared for one reason only. Im simply an example of what is possible. God in His grace has certainly been the key, but from a human point of view, YOU can make lifestyle changes too, if you desire it enough, and are realistic about what you want to accomplish. You can do it. If I can, anybody can. Set a realistic goal, and surprise yourself!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 01:16:43 +0000

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