With Halloween just around the corner I thought it to be a good - TopicsExpress


With Halloween just around the corner I thought it to be a good time to deal with the question of Christains participating in Halloween. Most people today have heard Halloween is a pagan holiday. But is it really? Or is it a Christian holiday that was set along side a pagan day? What if I told you the name Halloween is actually a word that stems from All Hallows Eve? Hallow = Holy. As we investigate the truth behind the history of Halloween lets ask ourselves can we use this day to do the Lords work? To glorify God? Can we use this day to spread the Gospel. What if with our candy we handed our bible tracs or even little gidean bibles? What if we taught our children to dress up in pure and good costumes instead of costumes that glorify evil or the dead. What if we used this time where people were receptive to strangers and even come to our homes to show the love and light of Christ? Halloween is a Christian holiday. Lets treat it as such. Instead of decorating your house with horror, decorate it with love and light. What if we decorated our homes on Halloween like we did on Christmas? How can it be a sin to ever celebrate Christ or do His work? How can it ever be a sin to combat darkness with the light? Its the very reason Christains celebrated Halloween in the beginning. How about instead of letting pagans hijack our holiday we hijack it back for the Lord? Its something to think about. God bless. youtu.be/MGw_QnVhVSQ
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 20:48:40 +0000

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