With Halloween next month, I have a true scary story about Clinton - TopicsExpress


With Halloween next month, I have a true scary story about Clinton Road in West Milford. This happened a few years ago when I was back to Jersey visiting my mom. I was in a brand new rental car.... 3000 miles on it and running perfectly. I was alone and decided to drive out Clinton Road in the middle of a nice March day to take some pictures. There was no snow on the ground and the road was dry and it was sunny and mild. I started at the Route 23 end, took a bunch of pictures of the furnace and the reservoir and figured Id keep going to the West Milford end as I would be passing where our Girl Scout Camp Myers used to be and also the spot where my gang would hike up thru the mountains to a secluded lake where wed swim. Just as I passed the last road branching off of Clinton, I come around a bend and all of a sudden the car bogs down, like the transmission was slipping. I gave it more gas and it just kept slowing down, no matter how much gas I gave it. It was sort of hard to steer too. Then I felt this horrible pressure on my chest and my arms. It made it hard to breathe, which started me panicking a little. Im claustrophobic anyway and this feeling of not being able to move was scaring me. I didnt know whether to turn the car around and go back or keep going. I didnt want to stop the car to turn it around because I didnt think Id ever get to it go forward again as momentum seemed to be the only thing keeping it going forward. It was like driving through Jello. Everything was labored and thick. Thick is the only word I can use to describe how everything felt. I realized the radio wasnt on when I looked at it to see what time it was. Im sure it was on when I got to this spot. I floored the accelerator and the car moved a little quicker. I was feeling sort of lightheaded and my vision was a bit blurry. Not for things inside the car, but for things outside the car. The trees looked like they were sort of blending together. I started crying because I honestly thought I was going to die. Then all of a sudden, the car shot forward and my tires screeched on the pavement like I was doing a burnout. Everything was clear, I could breathe and there was no more pressure. I realized that I was out of whatever I was driving thru. I kept the car floored because all I wanted to do was to get to West Milford and be off that road. I could only go forward with the hopes of that whatever was behind me was gone and that I wouldnt encounter another spot like that. There was no way I was going to go back to Route 23. When I got to the curve near where Camp Myers used to be, I knew I was almost home free. When I came to the intersection with the Warwick Turnpike, I knew I would be okay. I wont go back. Ever.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 00:56:30 +0000

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