“With Him are the keys of the unseen, the treasures that none - TopicsExpress


“With Him are the keys of the unseen, the treasures that none knows but He. He knows whatever there is on the earth and in the sea. Not a leaf falls but with His knowledge: there is not a grain in the darkness (or depths) of theearth, nor anything fresh or dry (green or withered), but is (inscribed) in a record clear (to those who can read).” –Quran 6:59 SubhanAllah, Glory to God. Imagine, brothers and sisters. Allah knows every fallen leaf in your yard, in the gutter, drifting on the wind, or compacted layers deep in the depths of the darkestforest. To us fallen leaves may be trash to be swept away, or food for worms, or mulching material. Perhaps to a child they are a source of amusement by scooping them into a pile and jumpingin (I used to do that while waiting for the kindergarten bus in autumn, when I was growing up in Davis, California). But Allah knows every leaf: its history, its individual veins and ragged edges, even its microscopic cells. Don’t you think then that Allah knows your own pain, and fear, and suffering? “And indeed We have created man, andWe know whatever thoughts his inner self develops, and We are closer to himthan (his) jugular vein.” (Quran 50:16). This does not mean that Allah is physically closer than your jugular vein;rather it refers to His knowledge, understanding, and power. And it couldrefer to the angels appointed to you, who sit on your right and left, noting everything you say and do. Allah’s knowledge is with you at every moment. He created you, and He understands your innermost thoughts. Don’t you think that Allah is ready to comfort you, forgive you, help you, andguide you? Don’t you think that a God who knows and cares about each leaf would care about you, a unique creature of great complexity, a special soul that struggles and stumbles and carries the heavy burden of free will? Don’t you think that Allah rejoices at your successes when you struggle in His path? Don’t you think that He is happy to see you happy, and is pleasedto see you learn and grow, just as you are with your own children? Indeed, Allah knows you, and sees you,and cares about you more than you can imagine.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 17:43:36 +0000

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