With JFK assassination 50 year anniversary this week we can expect - TopicsExpress


With JFK assassination 50 year anniversary this week we can expect once again the lame stream media to lie to us again.That Oswald was this lone nut gunmen who killed JFK.Most of America believes with good reason that the Warren comission is a load of bunk.Here are just a few facts.Most of the eyewitnesses at Dealey plaza said the shots came from the grassy knoll in front of Kennedy not behind him.The doctors at Parkland hospital who worked on Kennedys body all concluded that the thraot shot and the fatal head wound were entry wounds that came from the FRONT not behind him.This is consistent with Kennedy being thrown back and to the left when the shot came from the grassy knoll,within 3 years 50 key witnesses to the JFK investigation turned up dead most of whom were murdered.Oswald worked for the CIA.Jack Ruby and Oswald knew eachother long before the assassination this is attested by numerous witnesses.We have phone call recordings of chief mob bosses discussing the JFK assassination with CIA officials who were also in on it.The mob and CIA also worked together to kill Castro before JFK was assassinated.Lyndon Johnsons mistress described a private meeting Lyndon had with key political figures the night of nov 21 1963,after the meeting Johnson angrily told his mistress that after tomorrow that sob John Kennedy would never embaress him again.It was well known that Johnson hated Kennedy and always dreamed of being president.E Howard Hunt in a deathbed confession also mention Johnson was involved as well as mob and elements in the CIA,all JFKs orinal autopsy results and medical records were burned and the leading physician who kept them was murdered,The car that JFK was assinated in was immediately taken and totally cleaned out and moved to another location and thios was an important piece of evidence but it had to disappear as well,the 1978 comission on the assassination also concluded that there was 2 gunmen and a a conspiracy and I can add much more.But it just shows what absolute liars our lame stream media are as well as many politicians are.And if one believes the magic bullet theory that the lone gunmen theorists come up with I got some beans from Jack that you can plant and you will have a giant beanstalk.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 02:17:28 +0000

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