With Thanksgiving coming up, I just sat thinking what I am - TopicsExpress


With Thanksgiving coming up, I just sat thinking what I am thankful for.... The older I get, the whole meaning of everything is so different. When I was a kid, Thanksgiving was a time to go to Mamaw and Papaw Webbs and eat and see my cousin Brandy Baugh, who I didnt see often enough. Then go to Mama and Papa Pratts house and see and play with my cousins I saw plenty, just not everyone at the same time. ( we had REAL good bottle rocket wars at this time with us ALL there) now as I am a getting older, I see now what my parents did. Visit with siblings, and enjoy family. I am so thankful that I have a beautiful wonderful mother Barbie Webb Brodnax that guided me as a God loving mother should. She made the best cinnamon rolls and spiced tea! ( Hint Hint) She made so many sacrifices so that we all could have more. A wonderful daddy Rusty Pratt, who raised me better than he ever could have a son. Taught me how to hunt, drive an 18 wheeler at a much too young age, and how to survive and provide. ( I get my fire building skills from him.) I am blessed beyond measure to have had such a wonderful childhood. We didnt have a lot, but we never did without. And Love never got close to getting low. I am so Thankful. I have two wonderful boys that are my heart. A wonderful soul mate who I grow to love more everyday and he loves me right back. He is a God sent gift and I am so thankful I can call him mine. I am thankful. I am blessed beyond measure.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 04:57:23 +0000

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