With Tornado season upon us, please remember these tips: --The - TopicsExpress


With Tornado season upon us, please remember these tips: --The difference between a Tornado Watch and Tornado Warning: A Tornado Watch is when conditions are right for the potential of tornadoes occurring. A Tornado Warning means a tornado has been spotted or that circulation has been observed which could spawn a tornado. This is the time to take immediate precautions. --Dont Open Windows: Opening windows under the belief they will help equalize pressure is not safe. If a tornado hits your home, the windows will blast open regardless. --Dont Run Under Bridges: Running or stopping under bridges is actually a dangerous idea. Debris can be sent flying underneath with the risk of severe injury. People can be blown from under bridges onto open land and into the tornado itself. The bridge could also fail, collapsing onto people or cars. --Vehicles are Death Traps: The NOAA says vehicles are notorious death traps because they are easily tossed and destroyed. It is best to exit the car and find sturdy shelter or drive out of the tornados path. If neither option is available, the NOAA advises to find a low flat spot as far from the road as possible and lie in that spot. Be safe everyone! If you believe you have property damage, please remember to contact your agent BEFORE calling your company and filing any claim. (to avoid unnecessary claims from being reported.)
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 23:27:43 +0000

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